Florida Bandmasters Association

District IV Minutes

66th Year, No. 2 Gainesville, Florida November 19, 2001

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Amy Beres at 6:38 PM in the Mebane Middle School library. Those present were: Amy Beres, Leslie Kushner, Joey Giberti, Andrew Couse, Everett McConn, Buddy Ball, Dirk Schmidt, Kelly Dorsey, Jim Rothgeb, John Henry, Steve Bingham, Ed Amaya, Jim Layton, Martha Reid, Winford Franklin, Trent Hayes, Ralph Coleman, David Dixson, Phyllis Stoneman, Joe Adkins, Steve Hentzelman, Jason Dobson, Lori Pirzer, Robert N. Stark, Paula Thornton, Doug Carroll, David McGuffin, Steve Ogilvie, Stephen Freeby, Corey Black, Lauren Howard, David Olsen

Introduction of Guests Bill Pirzer (intern)

Reading of Previous Minutes Motion: Dobson Second: Thornton

To dispense with the reading of the minutes.

Motion passed.

Treasurers Report No formal report Marching Festival Gate Receipts $9,599.00


Communications None.

Unfinished Business

    1. Comments on All-State Auditions: Results are on FBA website, www.fl.musiced.org. A Thank you to Paula Thornton, Vicki Nolan & the Buchholz Band for a well run site. A question from our district will be asked at the Dec. board meeting concerning time allotments in the audition process.
    2. Marching Adjudication Comments: A big THANKS to Joe Adkins and Columbia High band parents for a job well done hosting the event. It was suggested that water be available to students before as well as after their performance. Columbia High offered to host the event for next year. A letter will be forthcoming.
    3. Motion: Franklin 2nd : McGuffin

      To include a list of staff (form will be included in fall packet) due with Marching entry form. Passes will be issued to staff. Chaperone passes will remain 1 for 10 band entries.

      Motion passed.

    4. FMEA Clinic/Conference: January 10-12, 2002 in Tampa. Pre-registration extended to Nov. 30th. Question raised about TDE vs. personal days. Schools/Principals have different policies.
    5. Mentoring Program: P.Stoneman/Albanese, Dobson - L. Pirzer/McConn, Williams
    6. S. Freeby/Schmidt – N. Stark/ Henry – C. Black/Layton – D. Maxwell/Dixon

    7. Classification Proposal: After much discussion these concerns were expressed:
    1. How will new classifications effect bands participation at state?
    2. Sight-reading levels are inconsistent with required level of literature performed on stage. How will this be addressed?
    3. How will proposal effect marching classifications?
    4. Is proposal amendable?
    5. What is actual process on vote – 2 full membership votes – timeline for proposal/vote??

Question was called and vote taken. Membership felt questions needed to be answered before true vote could be rendered. Therefore, Proposal failed.


Committee Reports Music update: Paula Thornton and Kelly Dorsey

New Business

    1. Solo & Ensemble Festival: February 14-16, 2002 (Kanapaha Middle School – Gainesville) JAZZ BANDS scheduled on the 14-15th.
    2. Please make sure that your entry forms & assessment are in the hands of one of your district officers by January 15, 2002. Submit your entry form on a IBM disk & hard copy with proper signatures(director/principal) on time and correctly filled out. If you need help, ask someone before the deadline.
    3. Amy Beres – 4240 NW 35th ST. Gainesville, Fl 32605

    4. Middle School Concert Band Performance: February 28-March 2, 2002 Belle Middle/High
    5. High School Concert Band Performance: March 7-9, 2002 Gainesville High
    6. Also, needed by January 15, 2002: recording fees - $25.00 for each band, marching, jazz or concert
    7. Late forms - $50.00 fine! No entry forms accepted 15 days after the original deadline.

    8. Any scheduling problems put in writing with entry form

or email Amy Beres Mebaneband@aol.com

State Band Performance Assessment

(North Region) May 3,4,6,7, Florida A&M University (Tallahassee)

(Central ) April 29 – May 2, Florida Southern College – Lakeland

(South) April 24- 27 – Cypress Lake Center for the Arts – Ft. Myers

Adjudicators For Concert Band Performance Assessments

As was stated earlier, we are looking for one additional adjudicator for Middle School Concert Performance Assessment. So far, we have Rick James. Gary Bottomley, and Ken Nickse have yet to reply on new date. The panel of judges for High School Concert Festival will be: Bob Allen, Cindy Berry, Tim Douglass. One more is needed for high school this year.

Nominations to the Adjudicators List None.

Suggestions to any committees None.

Proposals to the Executive Board

Motion: Layton Second: Coleman

To have FBA develop 2 sets of Audition music for All-State Band Auditions for each of the different levels of bands, one to be used during the even years and one to be used during the odd years.

Motion passed.

Correspondence None.

Good of the Association

David McGuffin has 2 instruments for sale – cheap! A Bach cornet & a Yamaha Eb Brass Band Baritone

Steve Bingham needs a euphonium!

Jim Layton is looking for a roommate for the Palmer House for Midwest. Call (904) 213-2980 for info

On the serious side, our thoughts and prayers are extended to Martha Mayer, in the passing of her husband, Roger. He will be missed by many.

Next District Meeting Monday, January 28, 2002

Ft. Clarke Middle School

Gainesville, FL

6:00 PM Social / 6:30 PM Meeting


Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Leslie Kushner, Ph.D.

Secretary, District IV





Students and Parents, please direct all official FBA questions to your Band Director

Contents (C) 2005 Florida Bandmasters Association
Duane Hendon, Executive Director:  DuaneLHendon@cs.com 
Josh Bula, Webmaster. bulaj@mail.leon.k12.fl.us