66TH Year, No. 3                             January 19, 2002

Present and signed in were:

Cheri Sleeper

King HS

Christina Frye

Greco MS

Bob Keen

Plant HS

Jennifer Hamilton

Robinson HS

Kim Mieder

Hillsborough HS

Dan Camacho

Buchanan MS

Bekki Norton

Walker MS

Cyn Starling

Dowdell MS

Rebecca Phillips

Blake HS

Robert Griffin

Blake HS

Jell Collinson

Citrus Park Christian

Harry Williamson

Pierce MS

Ronald Jules

King HS (Intern)

Nathan Strawbridge

Greco MS (Intern)

Steve Pfaffman

Progress Village MSA

Mike Woodfin

Riverview HS

James Coyne

Randall MS

Kevin McDonald

Mann MS

Jim Lindroth

Brandon HS

Mark Watson

Sickles HS

JP Carney

Seminole Presbyterian School

Donnie Hero

Tampa Bay Tech HS

Phil Hankins

Webb MS

Mike Horton

Leto HS

Jason Ponder

Armwood HS

Tom Ziegelhoger

Wilson MS

Gary Ward

Sligh MS

Nicole Conte

Madison MS

Bethe McDowell

Stewart MS

Ted Hope

Bloomingdale HS

John Acosta

Sec. Music Supervisor

Sean Murray

Ferrell MS

Nancy Barlar

Adams MS

Gig Brown

Memorial MS

Tim Groulx

East Bay HS

Bryan Alspauch

Monroe MS

George Ganglefinger

Jefferson HS

Ken Norton

Alonso HS

ITEM NO. 1 – CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTORY REMARKS: The third meeting of the year was called to order by District Chairman, Christina Frye, at 10:07AM.

ITEM NO. 2 – ROLL CALL AND INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS AND INTERNS: Attendance was handled via a sign up sheet. Directors were asked to include their email addresses (if it has changed) on the sign in sheet. Any directors that had interns present introduced their interns to the membership.

ITEM NO. 3 – READING OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: There were no objections or changes, so the previous minutes were approved as distributed.

ITEM NO. 4 – TREASURER’S REPORT: Current Status $12,635.13



    1. Solo & Ensemble festival – part or score is appropriate to give the adjudicator.
    2. Reclassification – All from our district passed.
    3. Classification proposal – was defeated (12 to 5). It was seen as too complicated and sent back to committee.



    1. Title Change Forms – Correct form is not available from Mrs. Frye. If a pdf file is not available from J. Acosta by the deadline please email her any title changes. REMEMBER – they must be to the chairman 10 days before festival.
    2. Solo & Ensemble Festival – will be held @ Sickles HS, February 14-16, 2002. Thursday will be dedicated to Jazz Ensembles ONLY. M. Watson (director @ Sickles HS) will send out maps and any other pertinent information.
    3. HS Concert Festival – will be held @ Armwood HS, March 8-9 (for 2nd and 3rd bands), March 15-16 (for 1st bands.) Danny Schmidt will work with every 3 or 4 bands for our pilot program, (this program was discussed at length at the August meeting.)
    4. MS Concert Festival – will be held @ Tomlin MS for the East schools, April 19-20 and @ Alonso HS for the West schools, April 26-27. S. Hahn (director @ Tomlin MS) will host a pre-evaluation on April 9th and K. Norton (director @ Alonso HS) will host a pre-evaluation on April 11th.
    5. C. Frye asked for volunteers to do the programs for the festivals listed above. The following members volunteered:
    1. M. Watson – Jazz Ensemble Festival programs
    2. C. Sleeper – HS Concert Festival programs

K. Lewis – MS Concert Festival programs

    1. C. Frye asked for volunteers to assist in recording at Performance Assessment Festivals. The following members volunteered:

K. Norton – MS Concert Festival (both sites)

    1. G. Ganglefinger – MS Concert Festival (both sites)
    2. K. Mieder – MS Concert Festival (both sites)
    3. K. McDonald – HS Concert Festival (2nd/3rd bands)
    4. K. Mieder – HS Concert Festival (2nd/3rd bands)
    5. B. Norton – HS Concert Festival (1st bands)
    6. C. Starling – HS Concert Festival (1st bands)
    7. H. Williamson
    8. J. Acosta mentioned here that the Hillsborough County Secondary Music Council is considering only providing CD’s of concert performances to those who are members. Please send in your $10 membership.

      Judges for each of the festivals are:

      Jazz – Jim Smisek, Alfred Hager, Lindsey Sarjeant

      HS Concert (3/8-9) – Chuck Fulton, Ron Youmans, Terry Pattischall, Alfred Hager (SR)

      HS Concert (3/15-16) – Chuck Fulton, Ron Youmans, Terry Gladfelter, Charles Lunceford (SR)

      MS Concert (4/19-20) – Bruce Brazinski, Roger Faulman, Kathy Thompson, Annette Grieve (SR)

      MS Concert (4/26-27) – Bruce Brazinski, Roger Faulman, Linda Reany, Annette Grieve (SR)

    9. G. Citrus Park Christian Junior High School presented a letter to the membership to perform for comments only at concert festival. Norton/Hope PASSED
    10. Williams MS presented a letter to the membership to perform for comments only at concert festival. Norton/Starling PASSED


North May 3 – May 7, 2002 Florida A & M University

Central April 29 – May 2, 2002 Florida Southern College

South April 24 – April 27, 2002 Cypress Lake Center for the Arts, Ft. Myers

ITEM NO. 10 – ELECTION OF OFFICERS: After thanking Mrs. Fyre for great service as District 7 chairman, Ken Norton (Alonso HS) was nominated to take on the duties of District 7 Chair for the coming year. Sleeper/Conte PASSED BY ACCLAMATION (Lewis/Conte.) Jennifer Hamilton was nominated to fill the secretary position. Norton/ Conte PASSED BY ACCLAMATION (Schultz/Pfaffman.)

ITEM NO. 11 – SELECTION OF DISTRICT FESTIVAL DATES FOR NEXT YEAR: It was discussed that Spring Break for the Next Year would be March 24-28 and there is no school on April 18.

Marching Festival – November 2, 2002 Keen/ Norton PASSED

Solo & Ensemble – February 13-15, 2003 Horton/Ponder PASSED

HS Concert – 2nd/3rd Bands, March 7-8, 2003

1st Bands, March 14-15, 2003 Norton/Schultz PASSED

MS Concert – April 8-10, 2003 and April 11-12, 2003

East and West will be decided at a later date Lewis/Norton

Question was called by B. Keen PASSED

Daniel Schmidt Hope/Keen PASSED

Cheri Sleeper Keen/Zieglehofer PASSED

Robert Griffin Sleeper/Philips PASSED


Dr. Daniel Schmidt, Mars Hill College, (nominated by T. Hope)

Mr. Ted Hope, Bloomingdale HS, (nominated by J. Acosta) for Small School Honor Band

ITEM NO. 14 – PROPOSALS TO EXECUTIVE BOARD: K. Lewis proposed that rehearsals for All-State go back to a rotation basis as in the past. Discussion was that this has not happened in the pas 5 years and some groups are feeling slighted. PASSED


  • All-County announcements – C. Frye shared the details concerning lunch for the MS directors. M. Watson also shared lunch details with HS directors.
  • J. Lindroth – Master Musician program has few participants as of today. Please encourage students to strive for this honor. C. Frye added a "ditto" to that for the MS directors.
  • C. Sleeper – Shared with all middle school directors that University of Tampa will provide a Middle School Band camp, June 17-21 on the UT Campus. Guest conductors will be Jeff Traster, Cheri Sleeper, and Christina Frye. Information will come from UT very soon.
  • J. Acosta – Lion’s Club. Please get with J. Ponder if you plan to bring your band/s. Danny Schmidt, Mars Hill College, will be doing commentary on performances as well as Jeff Traster, Univ. of Tampa.
  • J. Acosta – Start thinking about Fee Based camps for the summer. There will be NO summer school in Hills. County this year.
  • J. Acosta – Maynard Ferguson Concert, 2/2/2002 @ Sickles HS. Cost $20.00.
  • J. Acosta – Florida Orchestra will perform at Centro Asturiano on 2/9/2002. If you would like an invitation see J. Acosta. The Centro would like to host more concerts there. See J. Acosta if you have ideas for future performances.
  • J. Acosta – there will be two high schools and 3 middle schools opening next year. See him if you are interested. Those interested in either of the high schools will meet with uniform company to look at sketches on Saturday, 1/26 @ 10AM.
  • J. Acosta – Block HS directors – be sure to pick up the outline for use in promoting students taking band all four years @ a Block HS.
  • J. Acosta – Inservice (Professional Planning Day) is 2/18. It begins at 8:30AM and will be held at Alonso HS. Opening session will be held with Elementary Music Specialists.
  • Grammy Academy will be sponsoring a workshop on 2/7 from 1:30 – 5pm at the Performing Arts Center. This is for HS students only. Please share information with your students.
  • J. Acosta – Please pick up your All-County Jazz tapes and CD’s to deliver to your students.
  • B. Phillips – June 16-19, Penny Janowski’s Camp. She provides good teaching and it will be held at Eckerd College.
  • J. Ponder – Canadian Brass Performance, 2/1/2002 @ Ruth Eckerd Hall
  • K. Mieder – Hillsborough HS may possibly go to an 8 period day next year. MS directors who know students who may attend Hillsborough HS next year, please that info to her. She will do a camp June 3-7, 2002.
  • J. Acosta – There is a bill pending requiring all HS seniors to have to take a ½ credit on resume writing. Be aware.
  • T. Hope – is putting together a plan of study for HS students at 7 period schools to be able to take band all 4 years.
  • S. Murray – Looking for 2 oboes. If you can help please call.
  • K. Mieder – offering piano services for the summer.
  • N. Conte – Needs 2 speakers for her classroom.

ITEM NO. 15 – NEXT MEETING: May 2, 2002, 6PM @ King HS. All are urged to attend

ITEM NO. 16 – ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 12:16 PM. Keen/Ziegelhofer PASSED


Respectfully submitted,

Cheri Sleeper, FBA District VII Secretary


Students and Parents, please direct all official FBA questions to your Band Director

Contents (C) 2005 Florida Bandmasters Association
Duane Hendon, Executive Director:  DuaneLHendon@cs.com 
Josh Bula, Webmaster. bulaj@mail.leon.k12.fl.us