2024-2025 FMEA
Thank you for your interest in joining or renewing your membership to FMEA,
NAfME, and Component Associations.
The FMEA membership year is from July 1 to June 30 of the
following year. Renewal starts April 1, so members who join or renew on or
after April 1 will be current through June 30 of the following year. Memberships do not renew automatically.
Membership Year Notice:
Because it is not yet April 1, your membership will expire on
June 30 of this year if you join or renew at this time. As
stated above, membership for the upcoming school year will begin on
April 1.
Membership and renewals are non-refundable.
Please confirm the proper method of payment with your school or district
before proceeding.
The following information is for your information only, and not an invoice. To
the membership process, you must click the button above and then follow the
instructions to either pay online or print an invoice to send along with a check.
General Membership - FMEA and NAfME
Description | Amount | Purpose |
Full Active Member | $165.00 | For individuals currently teaching, supervising, or administrating in elementary schools, secondary schools, colleges, or universities. |
Retired Member | $95.00 | For those who have retired from the teaching, supervision, or administration of music in K-12 schools or higher education. |
Collegiate Student Membership | $60.00 | Florida Collegiate NAfME: the membership organization for future music educators, to improve opportunities and experiences for college students before they become practicing music educators. |
Associate-Individual | $136.00 | For private music teachers or individuals not currently teaching. Does NOT include NAfME membership or access to the All-State audition process |
Associate-Organization | $271.00 | For organizations such as Booster groups or community music groups. (Note: does not include NAfME membership, and not eligible for component organizations) |
Introductory Membership | $100.00 | This is for First-Year Teachers only. Only select this option if you are currently in your first year of teaching. |
Corporate and Academic Partnerships
Description | Amount | Purpose |
Corporate Partner - Gold | $1050.00 | Benefits Include:
- Silver level benefits PLUS:
- One complimentary approved Showcase Event at the annual conference ($500 Value)
- Website banner advertisement included November, December, and January
- Invitation to President’s Reception at Conference
- Booth highlighted on map in conference program
Corporate Partner - Silver | $650.00 | Benefits Include:
- Bronze Level benefits PLUS:
- Additional $100 discount on Showcase Event (total of $300 discount)
- 10% discount on all Florida Music Director advertising
- 10% discount on all Conference Program advertising
- 10% discount on all Online advertising (Available Fall 2013)
Corporate Partner - Bronze | $350.00 | Benefits Include:
- FMEA Corporate Member Logo provided for use
- Company name designation on full page Corporate and Academic Partner Member advertisement in each Florida Music Director
- Free Subscription to the Florida Music Director
- $50 discount on exhibit space
- $200 Discount on Showcase Event (Original price $500, discounted to $300)
- Name under Session as “Sponsor” in conference program
- Acknowledgment of Partnership issued at conference for display in booth
- Designation in conference program
- Posted at entrance of exhibit hall
- Booth highlighted on map in conference program
- Exclusive Conference Sponsorship Opportunities
Academic Partner - Gold | $950.00 | Benefits Include:
- Silver level benefits PLUS
- One complimentary Showcase Event ($500 value), if approved
- Website half-banner advertisement during November, December, January
- Additional recognition as a Gold Partner at exhibit hall entrance
Academic Partner - Silver | $550.00 | Benefits Include:
- Bronze level benefits PLUS
- $200 discount on Showcase Event
- 10% discount on all Conference Program advertising
- 10% discount on all Online advertising
Academic Partner - Bronze | $300.00 | Benefits Include:
- Free table reservation for College Night at Conference when Exhibiting ($150 Value)
- Website listing with name, address, website, and email
- 10% discount on all Florida Music Director (FMD) advertising
- FMEA Academic Partner Logo provided for use*
- $50 discount on exhibit space
- School name designation on full page Corporate and Academic Partner Member advertisement in each Florida Music Director
- Subscription to the Florida Music Director
- Acknowledgment of Partnership issued at conference for display in booth
- Designation in conference program
- Exclusive Conference Sponsorship Opportunities
Florida Bandmasters Association
The membership organization for band directors; chief purpose is to promote,
and improve the band programs in Florida schools, and provide professional
for band directors.
Description |
FBA - Active Full: $65.00 - For current, active, elementary, middle, or high school band teachers |
FBA - Retired: $45.00 - For retired instrumental music teachers |
FBA - Life Member: $0.00 - For members with 25 years of cumulative active membership |
FBA - Active Associate: $45.00 - For collegiate faculty and supervisory positions |
FBA - Collegiate Student: $0.00 - For college or university students persuing a degree in music education |
FBA - Active Affiliate: $60.00 - For previous active members taking a temporary hiatus from teaching band (going back to school, having children, moving from FL, etc) |
FBA - Adjunct Membership: $45.00 - For active FOA or FVA members or Piano teachers where band is not offered but they have students who play wind, percussion, or piano wishing to audition for All-State bands or orchestras |
Florida Orchestra Association
The membership organization for orchestra and string educators; programs and
for orchestras and string programs; provides for professional development of its
Description |
FOA - Active: $57.00 - For current orchestra directors, private teachers, or anyone actively teaching or directing orchestral instruments or ensembles at any level |
FOA - Retired: $15.00 - For retired orchestra teachers |
FOA - Associate: $40.00 - For persons or institutions not teaching but interested in the furtherance of orchestral education |
FOA - Retired Life Member: $0.00 - For members with 25 years of active membership and approved by the board |
FOA - Collegiate Student: $15.00 - For college or university students persuing a degree in music education |
Florida Vocal Association
The membership organization for vocal music; the chief purpose is to promote and
develop interest in vocal and general music, and the continued improvement of
choral groups in Florida’s secondary schools; professional development of choral
Description |
FVA - Active: $60.00 - For current, active, middle and high school chorus teachers |
FVA - Retired: $10.00 - For those retired from music teaching or supervisory positions |
FVA - Retired Life Member (First Year): $50.00 - |
FVA - Collegiate Student: $10.00 - For college students of music education who are not employed as teachers |
FVA - Retired Life Member (Paid): $0.00 - For life members who have paid the first year dues |
FVA - Associate: $25.00 - For anyone interested in the advancement of vocal music programs |
FVA - Affiliate: $30.00 - For collegiate faculty, or anyone involved in supervision or administration. |
Florida Elementary Music Educators Association
The membership organization for elementary music educators; chief purpose is to
and strengthen the professional standing of all elementary music teachers in
to encourage more effective teaching of music.
Description |
FEMEA - Active: $35.00 - For current active elementary music teachers |
FEMEA - Retired: $15.00 - For retired elementary music teachers |
FEMEA - Collegiate Student: $10.00 - For college or university students persuing a degree in music education |
FEMEA - Past President Life Membership: $0.00 - For past FEMEA presidents only |
FEMEA - Associate: $20.00 - For members not actively teaching elementary music |
Florida Collegiate Music Educators Association
The membership organization for college music educators; chief purpose is to
the concerns unique to music programs in colleges, universities, and community
Description |
FCMEA - Active: $20.00 - For those engaged in the teaching, supervision, or administration of music in higher education |
FCMEA - Associate: $10.00 - For those interested in the advancement of music in higher education |
FCMEA - Graduate Student: $10.00 - For those pursuing graduate level degrees in music |
FCMEA - Retired: $10.00 - For retired music faculty |
Florida Music Supervisors' Association
The membership organization for music supervisors; deals with curriculum
facilities, and programs from the perspective of county level
Description |
FMSA - Active: $55.00 - |