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The Lived Experiences of Paula Thornton and her Contributions to the History of Florida Bands

Flood, Margaret

Florida Southern College

Paula Thornton has been a staple figure and contributor to the local and national field of band directing. Her legacy has had lasting positive effects on the profession. Paula, as I personally address her, is a retired band director who taught primarily in Central Florida and was the second woman president of the Florida Bandmasters’ Association. Her high school bands were nationally recognized, performing at events such as the renowned Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic. She also served in major leadership positions on state and national professional boards. Paula was the third woman inducted into the FBA Hall of Fame, where she currently is a life member and FBA committee chair. Her career spanned close to four decades, influencing thousands of Florida band students, colleagues, and mentoring many young band directors. The purpose of this study was to create a preliminary biography of Paula Thornton, one of the major figures of band directing and administrative leadership in the state of Florida during the late 20th and early 21st centuries. This biography aimed to capture a more authentic view of the experience of a female band director, particularly in the state of Florida. It also examined her vast contributions to the band directing profession at the local, state, and national levels. Documentation of the life history of Paula took place through semi-structured interviews, which aimed to encourage the recollection of her lived experiences. Member checking was initiated by using a shared BOX account, where Paula was able to review and revise the interview transcripts prior to analysis, and also read and confirm the information within the final manuscript. Data analysis consisted of coding with gerunds, in-vivo codes, and themes (Charmaz, 2014). These techniques encourage a more feminist approach, as they provide a way to stay close to the words and stories of the person who is telling them. Paula chose to tell her story chronologically, emphasizing events and people who most influenced her career. Quotes from former students, mentees, and colleagues also contributed to the overall biography.



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