67th Year No.4 Polk County, Florida April 22,2002

Item No. 1 Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jan Coolman at 7:10 p.m. Special thanks to Brad Wharton and the Sleepy Hill Middle School Band Boosters for hosting the meeting and providing a delicious meal.

Item No. 2 Members/ Guests Present

Jan Coolman, Frank Howes. Rob Lambert, John DeYoung, Rob Raabe, Chuck Fulton, Mark Lussier, Chuck Buetel, Ken Nickse, Kevin Crawford, Jesse Bryant, Don West, Jason Harden, Frank McDonald, Steve Alia, Frank Nicsinger, Roanna Combs, Phil Wharton, Randy Manzi, Kathy Johnson, Brad Wharton, David Fultz, Barbara Fultz, Shawn Barat, Vincent DiCiccio, Cheryce D. Harris, and Jim Parker. Kris Atkinson attended as interim director of Lakeland High School.

Item No. 3 Reading of minutes from previous meeting.

Motion (Alia, P.Wharton) to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Passed

Item No. 4 Treasurer’s Report: Current balance: $10,569.05

Item No. 5 Reading of Communications


Item No. 6 Unfinished Business

It was noted that in the High School Concert Music Performance Assessment Report that the rating from Judge 4 for the Frostproof M/SH Band should have been a Superior.

Almost all the judges have been contracted for next school year.

Item No. 7 New Business

All-State Auditions

We received a letter from Sleepy Hill Middle School to host the All-State auditions on Saturday, September 14th, 2002.

Motion ( Lussier/Combs) to accept the invitation from Sleepy Hill to host the All-State auditions on September 14, 2002. Passed

Motion (Alia/Beutel) to continue to hire Ron Powell to supply the recording equipment for All-State auditions. Passed

Motion (Combs/Alia) to hold Marching Festival on Oct.26th 2002 at Denison Field (Hosted by Winter Haven High School) Passed

Motion (Alia/D.Fultz) to hold Senior High Concert Festival on March 7-8, 2003 at Lake Region High School. Passed

Motion ( Fulton/D.Fultz) to hold Middle School Concert Festival on March 14-15,2003 at Winter Haven High School (Pending letter). Passed

2002-2003 Festival Dates and Sites

Festival Date Site

Marching Oct.26, 2002 Denison Field-WHHS

                                        Solo/Ensemble Feb.14-15, 2003 TBA

                                        Senior High Concert March 7-8,2003 Lake Region HS

                                        Middle School Concert March 14-15,2003 WHHS

Motion (Fulton/Lussier) that all bands who perform for Concert Performance Assessment will be required to purchase a performance CD. Passed

Motion (Buetel/Fulton) that all bands that perform for Concert Performance Assessment be required to purchase a video of the conductor for study purposes.Failed

Item No. 8 Adjudicators for 2002-2003 School Year

Please submit names to Jan Coolman in writing.

Item No. 9 Nominations for Adjudicators for State Festival 2003

Please submit names to Jan Coolman in writing

Item No. 10 Nominations for Adjudicators List-None

Item No. 11 Suggestions to Committees-None

Item No. 12 Proposals to the Executive Board

Proposal: That band directors be permitted to request two consecutive time slots for Solo/Ensemble Festival at the District and State level, thereby allowing a student who is performing a major work which runs longer than the six minute time limit (when performed as specified by the FBA Music List) to perform the work without cuts. The band director would be assessed for two entries for this purpose.

Rationale: It seems a shame that our best students, who desire to perform the finest literature for their instrument, be then required to cut out sections of the music which result in altering the form and musical content of the work, not to mention the composer’s intentions. ( What signal do we send when we tell the high school student that he or she cannot play the entire 3rd movement of the Mozart Clarinet Concerto but that the middle school student can play all of Little Piece?)

Given the number of students in most districts who would need this opportunity, it probably would require only one additional judge be hired to accommodate the increased number of events, ( maybe two) but this would be offset by the additional assessment amount.

Try to imagine the Mona Lisa with half of it cut away, or Romeo and Juliet- minus a few scenes or just one of those "Brahms Greatest Hits" recordings.

Motion- (Beutel/D.Fultz) to accept the proposal and send it to the Executive Board.-Passed

Item No. 13 District Meetings for Next Year

Saturday, August 24,2002 Southwest Middle School

Monday, September 30,2002 Frostproof S/M School

Thursday, January 13, 2003 Lake Region High School

Monday, April 21, 2003 Sleepy Hill Middle School

Item No. 14 Correspondence-None

Item No. 15 Committee Reports

Benevolence Committee- Robert Raabe-No report

Political Action Committee- David Fultz- No report

Piano Committee- Kevin Crawford- No report

Publicity Committee- Jim Parker- No report

Item No. 16 For the Good of the Association

Jan thanked everyone for getting forms and money in on time. Check the FBA Web-site often. It could be very helpful to you. You can even find forms there!

Shawn Barat is the new Technology chairman for the state.

Chuck Fulton is the new All-State chairman for the state.

Summer Convention: July 10-13,2002, Altamonte Springs Hilton

Phil Wharton reminded everyone that Dr. Tim would be back August 17th at Lake Gibson High School. There are already 125 people registered, and 300 is the cut-off. Get registered early. Everyone should have gotten a flyer. If not, let Phil or Roanna know. The cost is $20 per student and $20 per director. The director fee includes lunch with Dr. Tim and talking about advocacy of the arts.

Phil also reminded us that the FMEA Convention will be January 8-11, 2003 in Tampa.

Roanna Combs is the state chair for the Tri-M. You are encouraged to start a chapter at your school. If you need help, contact Roanna

Rob Lambert announced a trumpet/jazz master class given by Kevin Clark at Harrison on May 17th, from 4-6 p.m. Contact Rob for more information.

Chuck Fulton announced a golf outing after our first meeting in August. Look for details later.

Frank Howes has requested All-County dates of April 3 and 4 from Florida Southern College. He will update us when details are set.

Frank mentioned that it has been a difficult year for all of us, but most of us have survived. He wanted to let us know that there have been some choral positions cut for next year. (Kathleen Middle and McLaughlin Middle).

There are inaccuracies in the repair accounts. Check on your account.

There is some money in the proposed budget for instruments. It may not be in the final budget, but it looks good for now.

Kevin Crawford announced that the date for the Central Florida Marching Showcase will be October 12, 2002.

Randy Manzi’s band room was broken into and a drum set was taken. If you see a Pearl Export Series (emerald green) that wasn’t there before, please let him know.

Jan thanked everyone who has hosted an event this year. And also to everyone who has helped him out to make his job easier.

Item No. 17 Adjournment

Motion (Alia/B.Fultz) to adjourn at 8:12 p.m. Passed

Respectfully Submitted,
Lynn Putnam
District 12 Secretary