67th Year No.1 Polk County, Florida August 25,2001
Item No. 1 Meeting was called to order at 9:57 am
Item No.2 Members/ Guests Present
Randy Manzi, Ken Nickse, Jane Sholine, Cheryce D. Harris, Vincent DiCiccio, Shawn Barat, Chris Chaplik, Phil Wharton, Roanna Combs, Frank J. Nicsinger, Joe DeRosa, Kathy Johnson, Jon Eckman, Jason Harden, Frank McDonald, Kevin Crawford, Rob Raabe, Chuck Fulton, J.Jossim, Ralph Roberts, Kent Kesler, Jeff Cayer, Jim Parker, Jay Strike, Brad Wharton, Bill Agrella, Dennis Lecrucio, Barbara Fultz, Brian Chance, Judy E. Buss, Chuck Beutel, Steve Alia, Christian Finch, Robin Harris, Ron Lagg, Lynn Putnam, Frank Howes, Tricia Voelkner,
Item No. 3 Reading of minutes from previous meeting.
Motion (Parker/ Lagg) to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Passed
Item No. 4 Treasurer’s Report: Current balance: $6,818.00
Item No. 5 Communications Distribution of Packets
Frank Howes introduced Clint Glover from RSA who passed out flyers and posters were regarding the Fl. A&M University Marching Band performance later this fall.
Item No. 6 Unfinished Business
There is a very important proposal regarding classification change that all members are urged to become familiar with. Refer to the minutes of the May board meeting for details. This will require a handbook change if passed. We will discuss at the next meeting in October; there will be a vote at the January meeting. Fl. Music Foundation Scholarships are in the September issue of the Fl. Music Magazine. Our very own Chuck Fulton will be presenting a clinic on technology at the FMEA convention on Jan. 9th at 1:00 PM. Everyone is encouraged to get his or her leave forms in early for the FMEA conference.
Check on web site www.flmusiced.org/fba for important information throughout the year. Become familiar with the fair share issue, plans are to adopt a unified system.
Item No. 7 Committee Reports
- Benevolence Committee chairman Rob Raabe reported we have $ 139 in account.
- Piano Committee chairman Kevin Crawford- no report
- Publicity Committee chairman Jim Parker reported that we had our largest gate receipt ever at last year’s marching festival. He encouraged everyone to get the word out about this year’s festival. High School directors have it announced at your football games, everyone contact your radio stations and newspapers. We lost our sponsorship with Bank of America and the Ledger but gained SunTrust thanks to Bonnie Parker. Also BIG THANKS go out to Jim Parker for all his hard work and extra efforts!
Item No. 8 New Business
- Membership Dues & Enrollment Forms-due September 15-
Send to: MENC 1806 Robert Fulton Drive, Reston,Virginia 20191
Amount: Active- $89 (required) MENC/FMEA-$45 check payable to MENC. FSMA school dues payment to FSMA by September 15
- Classification Forms- due October 15 to District Chairman; Principal and Director signature required.
Fine- $50 for submitting this form late. $100 on the 8th calendar day after the deadline payable to FBA
- Members were given a demonstration on how to tape the All-State tryouts by Ron Powell and Jeff Cayer. All State Auditions will take place at Sleepy Hill Middle School on September 22,2001. Application forms are
Due to District Chairman by September 7th, 2001
Fee: $15 per student (includes recording fee).
Fine-$50 for submitting this form late, $100 on the 8th calendar day after deadline. (Payable to FBA) NO ENTRY FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER September 15.
- Dave Fultz and Chuck Fulton have volunteered to help with scheduling Students- they will try and schedule within a half and hour block of time.
- Small School Honor Band & 7th and 8th Grade Honor Band fee $15. Send form and money to address listed on form before the due date.
- Middle school directors are encouraged to bring their students to High School Marching Festival.
- High Schools may videotape their group only at Marching Festival.
- Marching Band Festival: November 3, 2001 Denison Field Winter Haven.
Entry Form due to District Chairman by October 8, 2001
Fine-$50 for submitting this form late $100 on the 8th calendar day after the deadline. (Payable to FBA).
Item No. 9 Other Festival Dates & Sites
Motion (B.Fultz/ Harris) to move Middle School Concert Festival to March 8th & 9 due to FCAT testing. Passed
Motion ( B Fultz/ Harris) to hold Solo/Ensemble Festival at Lake Region High School. Passed
Motion ( Alia/ B.Fultz) to hold High School Concert Festival at Winter Haven High School. Passed
Motion (Chaplik/ Alia) to hold Middle School Concert Festival at Mulberry High School. Amended (Alia/ Chaplik) to keep Winter Haven High School As an alternate site if the new auditorium at Mulberry High School is not Completed by their Winter Concert on December 13. Passed
- Solo/Ensemble February 8 & 9, 2002 Lake Region High School
- Concert (Sr. High) March 1 & 2, 2002 Winter Haven High School
- Concert ( Mid. Sch) March 8 & 9, 2002 Mulberry High School
Item No. 10 Adjudicators for Festivals- None
Item No. 11 Nominations for Adjudicators List- None
Item No. 12 Suggestions to Music Committee (Before Nov.1)
Suggestions to Clinics Committee ( By Oct. 1)
Item No. 13 Proposals to Executive Board
Jenkins Academy requests a waiver from Concert Band Festival due to this being a new school with a new band program. They request that students be allowed to Participate in the Solo-Ensemble Festival on Feb. 8 & 9.
Item No. 14 Correspondence- None
Item No. 15 Good of Association
- The Polk County Jazz All-Stars will meet for auditions at S E Bible College on Sunday Sept. 9th at 3:00 PM. Any 7,8 and 9th grade student may audition
- Frank Howes passed out and discussed inservice on Effective Teaching Techniques in the classroom. Form for participation is due Sept. 11. Participants can earn up to 60 inservice points.
- High School Directors are urged to use caution regarding the health and safety of students. I.e. Drink lots of water, watch for bad weather, use bug spray to ward off mosquitoes.
- Directors are recommended to put " my attendance is required for my All-State Student to be able to perform at FMEA convention."
- All-County music will go out the week after All-State auditions.
- J.Jossim thanked everyone for their support of the Fl. Southern Band Camp This year. The camp grew by leaps and bounds. Band Day will be Nov. 15 at FSC.
- Chuck Beutel, is in need of any baritone horns.
- Jesse Bryant needs baritones and tubas.
- Steve Alia needs instruments!
- Big thanks to Phil Wharton and Roanna Combs for last weeks session: Leadership Conference with Tim Lautzenheiser. The advocacy Phone # is: 1-800-767-6266
- Congratulations to Rob & Suzi Lambert on the birth of their daughter Kate Suzanne Lambert on Wednesday, August 22,2001.
- Kathleen High School Marching Festival will be Oct. 20th at 4:00 PM.
- Fl. A &M Marching Band performance Sunday Nov. 18, 2001, Kathleen High School at 2:00 PM tickets $7.00. Every presold ticket $1.00 will go back to the schools. Contact: Clint Glover 838-4031(cell) 687-1894 (home), 499-2810 (school).
Item No. 16 Next District Meeting- Monday, October 8,2001
Southwest Middle School 7:00 PM
Item No. 17 Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 12:15 PM (Harris/Alia)
Respectfully Submitted,
Lynn Putnam
District 12 Secretary