FLORIDA BANDMASTERS ASSOCIATION DISTRICT 12 67th Year No.3 Polk County, Florida January 17,2002 Item No. 1 Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jan Coolman at 6:40 p.m. Item No. 2 Members/ Guests Present
Item No. 3 Reading of minutes from previous meeting. Motion (Harris/Raabe) to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Passed Item No. 4 Treasurer’s Report: Current balance: $11,555.52 Item No. 5 Reading of Communications None Item No. 6 Unfinished Business Marching Festival
Item No. 7 Committee Reports Piano Committee- Kevin Crawford reported that Kellar Music is set to deliver pianos to Lake Region High School for solo-ensemble festival. Benevolence Committee- Robert Rabbe- no report Item No. 8 New Business
Concert Festival- High School- Winter Haven High School- March 1 & 2. Judges: Mark Spreen, Mike Mitchel, Lewis Jones, SR Jerome Edwards
FCAT testing has been moved (again) to the week of Middle School Concert Festival. Directors are encouraged to share ideas and solutions to the problems this will cause in providing adequate and beneficial rehearsal time. Kevin Crawford reported that the new auditorium at Mulberry High School is complete, but that there is a major concern regarding the noise the air handling unit is causing during performances. He could not assure the members that the problem would be fixed in time for the Middle School Concert Festival scheduled for March 8th and 9th. Motion (B.Fultz/D.Fultz) to move Middle School Concert Festival to Winter Haven High School Auditorium. Passed Middle School Concert Festival- Winter Haven High School- March 8 & 9. Judges: Michael Ginesin, Eric Mendez, Fred Schmidt, SR Tina Laferriere. Everyone is encouraged to check and make sure they are playing the correct level of music for concert festival. Item No. 9 State Festival Dates and Sites: S&E: April 1-3, 2002, Bartram Trails High School, Jacksonville North: May 3, 4, 6, 7 2002, Florida A&M University South: April 24-27, 2002 Cypress Lake SOTA, Ft. Myers Central: April 28-29, May 1-2, 2002, Florida Southern College Item No. 10 Selection of Festival Dates for Next Year:
Motion (Fulton/Lussier) to have HS Concert Festival on March 7/8, 2003. Passed Motion (Fultz/ Harris) to have MS Concert Festival on March 14/15. 2003. Passed Marching Festival: October 26,2002 Solo & Ensemble: February 14 & 15, 2003 High School Concert Festival: March 7 & 8, 2003 Middle School Concert Festival: March 14 & 15, 2003
Item No. 11 Nominations for Adjudicators List- None
Item No. 12 Nominate Clinicians for All-State Bands Bill Prince for Middle School All-State Jazz Band. Item No. 13 Good of the Association Frank Howes expressed concerns regarding the funding of All-County Band. He is hoping to sell t-shirts and plaques to help raise money. Funds from the county are in short supply and suggests that money be used for transportation. Middle Schools are only going to have $25,000 for instruments and should submit only what they desperately need. Frank is sending letters to the superintendent, school board members, area superintendents and principals to attend the All-County concert. Effective Band Directors session at WHHS next Tuesday night 6:00-8:15 pm. Everyone who can is encouraged to come. School Board member Brenda Reddout will be in attendance. Jazz Showcase info and application were made available by Jeff Cayer. Will take place on April 6th at Harrison School for the Arts. Congratulations to Paula Thornton FBA President elect and Frank Howes FMEA President elect. Directors were encouraged to establish a Tri-M Chapter at their school. This is an organization that encourages leadership through music. Hopes are that this will be a state wide organization for future music leaders and educators. If you have any questions regarding how to get a Tri- M chapter started at your school, please contact Roanna Combs at Lake Gibson High School. Dr. Tim Part II will be Saturday, August 17th at Lake Gibson High School. The first All-County Band rehearsal will take place at George Jenkins High School on Thursday, Feb.31st 6:00-8:30 pm. Middle School Band will be in the food court area with Chris Tredway. 9th and 10th grade band in the Aud. with Dr. Jossim and the 11th and 12th grade band will be in the Band Room. All directors are to be in attendance to help and observe. Students need to have music prepared ahead of time and bring a wire music stand to rehearsal. Special thanks to the George Jenkins High School Band Parents and Chuck Fulton for hosting our meeting and providing us with a delicious meal. Item No. 14 Next District Meeting April 22,2002 Sleepy Hill Middle School 7:00 pm Item No. 15 Adjournment Motion (Harris/B.Fultz) Move to adjourn. Passed Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted, Lynn Putnam District 12 Secretary |