Florida Bandmasters Association


Bill Lindner, District 13 Chairman, St. Joseph Catholic School

August Minutes

Okeechobee, FL

67th Year,No. 1 August 18, 2001


The meeting of the Florida Bandmasters Association District 13 was called to order at 9:08 a.m. by Chairman Bill Lindner in the band room of Okeechobee High School.


Members and guests in attendance were:




Al Hagar

Stuart Middle School


Allen Gilbert

Hidden Oaks Middle School


Amy Clark

Murray Middle School


Amy Danner

Avon Park Middle School

Steve Harris

Amy Wood

Okeechobee High School


Bill Lindner

St. Joseph School


Charles Lunceford

Indian River Community College


David Plack

Vero Beach High School


David Rinald

Lake Placid High School


Deborah Miller

Westwood High School


Doyle Bozone

Hobe Sound Bible College

Allen Gilbert

Eric Allen

Sebastian High School


Eric Olivenbaum

Ft. Pierce Central High School


Ernest Hilliard

St. Anastasia School


Howard Lerner

Lincoln Park High School


Jay Kraft

John Carrol High School


Jim Bullard

Moore Haven High School


Jim Lebon

Dan McCarty Middle School


Joann Kinder

Southern Oaks Middle School


John McGallagher

St. Lucie West Middle School


Kevin Collier

Sebring High School


Kirk Jackson

St. Lucie West Centennial High School

Joann Kinder

Marcy Sharman

St. Edwards


Peter Foster

Port St. Lucie High School

Charles Lunceford

Philip Obado

Southfork High School


Rob Roadman

Martin County High School


Robert Lampi II

Osceola Middle School

Amy Wood

Sean Srigley

Oslo Middle School


Shanando Jackson

Yearling Middle School


Steven Harris

Hill-Gustat Middle School


Tamyra F. DiFruscio

Northport Middle School




Motion: Lunceford/Kinder to accept the minutes. Passed


  • Previous year ended with a balance of $7,099.16.
  • Current year’s budget is $14,000.
  • State assessment remains at $1 for each student.


The Chairman identified and distributed information packets. The packets included the following:

  • Calendar of dates
  • State Concert Festival date TBA
  • State Solo and Ensemble Festival
  • Directory Sheet
  • Classification form
  • Festival and Evaluations committee report
  • Sight reading committee report
  • Membership form
  • All State Application
  • Small School’s Honor Band form
  • 7/8 Grade Honor Band form
  • *Audition material is located on the web site.
  • High School Marching entry form
  • Marching information sheet
  • Music title change forms
  • New order forms for medals will be given out at the November meeting.


The following school’s owe recording fees.

  • Centennial High School
  • SLW Middle School
  • Vero Beach High School
  • Lake Placid High School
  • Avon Park Middle School
  • Lake Placid Middle School
  • Osceola Middle School
  • Port St. Lucie High School


I. Reclassification proposal:

Lindner opened floor for discussion after giving a brief overview of what the FBA executive board discussed. Much discussion followed. District 13 accepts the proposal by acclamation.

II. Motion from District 14 to post timpani pitches on the outside of the sight reading folder at FBA festivals.

Kinder recommends that if this is done we should pass out percussion folders first.

Motion Kinder/Gilbert that the district recommends we accept. Passed


*The FMEA would like the festivals to be known as Music Performance Assessments, to be in conjunction with the state’s increased importance on educational assessment.

*Solo and Ensemble and Jazz Band assessments are now on the Festival program. New version of the Festival program can be found on the FSMA web site. All director’s must download the program and use it for this year. Get to the FBA web site by using the link on the FSMA web site. If you are a new director, please contact your mentor for help with this program.

*Secretary position is open due to the fact that Ron Lagg has move out of the district. Tamyra DiFruscio was elected to fill the secretary position.

*FSMA School Enrollment Fees are due September 15th.

*FMEA/FBA membership fees are due September 30th.
(Check the web site to see if your school fees have been paid)

*Classification form due October15th, or fees will be imposed.

*All-State auditions at Stuart Middle School.
September 15th, Saturday.
The application deadline is Aug. 31st.
Checks and forms must be in the Chairman’s hands by this date.
$20 fee for each audition.

*Small School and 7/8 Honor Band fees are $15 sent to the appropriate state chairman before September 26, 2001.

*FBA Marching Performance Assessment, November 3, 2001.

  • Entry forms are due October 15th, fines applied if late.
  • Videos are provided, if you have someone who would like to videotape your band ONLY, the director must provide written permission to the District Chairman in order to be admitted on top of the press box.
  • If there is a special consideration in scheduling for the Performance Assessment, please submit a letter signed by you and your principal with you entry form.
  • Please separate your wind personnel count from your auxiliary count on the form provided.

*Sebring will host the High School Concert Performance Assessment at South Florida Community College.

*The topic of piano tuning from the 2001 Solo and Ensemble Festival was addressed. Chairman Lindner indicated that no bills for additional tuning had been submitted by the host. There was much discussion regarding the FBA District 13 obligation to pay for further tuning.

Motion: Hager/Kinder - Pay $500 toward the piano tuning in Highlands County.

Amendment to the motion: MacGallagher/Roadman to table until the November meeting, pending documentation. Motion Passed.


*Important Dates

March 1st and 2nd - High School Performance Assessment

March 15th and 16th - Middle School Performance Assessment

February 1st and 2nd -Solo and Ensemble Performance Assessment

**If you are a festival host and you need a certificate of insurance, you must contact the District Chairman months in advance.






*Pete Foster’s dad recently past away - Richard Foster was a talented oboe player that contributed to the area’s music educational needs. He taught many students and was a valued resource.

*March 20,21 or 23, the Motomachi band from Hiroshima will be performing in the area. A more secure date will be announced.

*In February - Sebastian High School will have a guest performance by an English band.

*November 7th - The Sebastian Wind Ensemble will have a performance.

*Crown Jewel will be on October 20th with a Middle School section added this year.

*September 8th and 9th, there will be a Solo and Ensemble adjudication seminar, anyone can attend.
Check the web site for any pre-registration and fees.

*Duane Hendon is looking for a school to host State Solo and Ensemble on the first week of April.
Port St. Lucie High School is considering hosting the festival, upon receiving administrative approval.

**Next meeting is at 6:00 p.m. on November 12th at Okeechobee H.S.

Motion: Allen/Plack to adjourn -Passed

Call to Close


Students and Parents, please direct all official FBA questions to your Band Director

Contents (C) 2005 Florida Bandmasters Association
Duane Hendon, Executive Director:  DuaneLHendon@cs.com 
Josh Bula, Webmaster. bulaj@mail.leon.k12.fl.us