DISTRICT 13 Bill Lindner, District 13 Chairman, St. Joseph Catholic School November Minutes Okeechobee, FL 67th Year, No. 2 November 12, 2001 CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTORY REMARKS The meeting of the Florida Bandmasters Association District 13 was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by Chairman Bill Lindner in the band room of Okeechobee High School. ROLL CALL Members and guests in attendance were:
READING OF PREVIOUS MINUTES Motion: Gilbert/Wood to accept the minutes. Passed TREASURERS REPORT Marching Performance Evaluation Gate Receipts 2001 2000 $4,885.00 $6,600 Current Balance $7,830.55 READING OF COMMUNICATIONS a) Lake Placid High School Would like to perform for comments only. Motion: Hagar/Gilbert -To allow Lake Placid to perform for comments only. Passes b) Hill-Gustat Middle School Asking to perform at the High School Concert Festival. Motion: Collier/Plack - To allow Hill-Gustat Middle to perform at High School Performance Evaluation. Passes
UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Comments on auditions b)Marching Assessment Comments(Adjudicator Evaluation Forms) c) Concert Festival Recording Fees (2001) Schools not paid d) Medal Order Forms See handbook for forms e) Piano Tuning Issue/ w Highlands County Motion: Roadman/Hagar that we can not meet projected tuning costs from last years Solo and Ensemble performance Evaluation, due to improper documentation. Passed f) Attendance at FMEA Clinic/ Conference COMMITTEE REPORTS none NEW BUSINESS a) Solo and Ensemble Performance Assessment Date: February 1-2, 2002 Site: South Fork High School * "Festival" scheduling disk is due to the District Chairman by January 7, 2002. (Usual late fees will apply. Forms will not be accepted fifteen days after the original deadline!!!) * Assessment form and check MUST accompany entry disk. b) Pianos for Solo and Ensemble Performance Assessment Motion: Lebon/ Mac to accept the proposal from Tom Sravinsky to move and tune pianos. Passed c) High School Concert Performance Assessment Date: March 1-2, 2002 Site: South Florida Community College d)Middle School Performance Evaluation. Date: March 15-16, 2002 Site: Sebastian River High School ***Any special request for Performance Evaluations must be submitted to the District Chairman ASAP, with a principal signature!!! e) Avon Park High School (Custodial Fee Issues) A letter was submitted by the Avon Park Band Boosters for $310 to pay for custodial fees. Motion: Lebon/ Wood The custodial fees should not be paid by the district, as the previous band director had told the district it was paid for. State Festival Dates and Sites State Solo and Ensemble: Date: April 1-3, 2002 Site: Bartram Trails High School (Jacksonville) South State Concert Band: Date: April 24-27, 2002 Site: Cypress Lake Center for the Arts (Fort Myers) Adjudicators for Performance Assessments -High School-
-Middle School-
NOMINATIONS FOR ADJUDICATORS LIST none SUGGESTIONS FOR CLINICS COMMITTEE How to Host a Solo and Ensemble Performance Evaluation PROPOSALS FOR EXECUTIVE BOARD None GOOD OF THE ASSOCIATION -Everyone should try to attend the Hall of Fame at Stetson University -Four County Honor Band Auditions November 27, sign in is 5:30. NEXT DISTRICT MEETING Date: January 7, 2002 Site: Okeechobee High School 6:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Motion:Kinder/Jackson .Passed |