Tuesday, January 15, 2002
Year 66, No.1
Members in attendance:
N. Patsis, P. Magersuppe, L Shane, B. Boseman, N. Wika, J. Medford, J. Aicello, M. Oser, J. Fmigh, R. Sontag, S. Shearson, J, Day, K. Sanz, P. Skowronovick, T. Roggin, E. Brown, C. Martindale, J. Constance, W. Miller, H. Spyker III, M. Baker, E. Rhodes, B. Fawcett, J. Bell, S. Wood, A. Friedman, M. Egan, M. Capote, F. Bermudes, W. Rainer, M. Jensen, W. Pyform, K. Pence, J. Terrazas, B. Castillo, A. Aldoretta, E. Rogovin.
Call To order at 6:30 pm
Cleve Maloon, Chairman
Reading of the Minutes
Treasures report
$6,000.00 in account. Discussion about gate receipts from marching festival ensued.
Committee Reports
S&E committee- Most Judges were in place. We needed two more. Suggestions were offered to the chairman from the floor
Old Business
Reaction to FBA General Session: Wide ranges of opinions were presented.
Concerns about necessity and import of the general session were raised.
Discussion of reclassification debate at the exec board meeting
Questions were raised about the ticket money for all state groups and the FMEA
New Business
Review of instructions for Festival Program
Update on State festival dates
Motion to accept the following dates and locations for 2002-2003
Dates and locations for 2002-2003 school year.
Marching- 10/26/02 @ Santaluces
S&E- 2/6-8/03@ Palm Beach Gardens High School/Olympic Heights back up
Concert Festival- 2/26-3/1/03@ Olympic Heights/Suncoast back up
All District Band- 3/31/03 auditions, 4/4-5/03@ Lake Worth HS/Atlantic back up
Motion passed
Motion: To allow the following bands to attend district 14 festival Comments only with the option to take a rating
Bands requesting Comments only with the option to take a rating:
Conniston Ms
Christa Mcalluff I & II
Lake Worth II
Carver Middle School
St. Marks
Palm Beach Gardens High School
Atlantic High School I&II
Crestwood MS
Motion Passed
Nominations for the adjudication committee
Nominations for Clinics
Steve Squires, Vandercook University All State 9-10 or 11/12
Mark Nelson MS All State Jazz Band
Al Hagar MS All State Jazz Band
Marty Robinson, FAMU MS All State Jazz Band
Chris Dorsey MS All State Jazz Band
Dave Gibble MS All State Jazz Band
Proposals to the Executive Board
For the Good of the Order
Kitty Robersons E-Mail Roberson_K@firn.edu
All S&E title changes due by 1/25/02
Dave Gibble, PBCC Jazz Festival 4/1-2/03
Dave’s new phone number: 561-868-3266
Silvia’s new phone number: 561-868-3270
PBCC will sponsor concert by "THE AIRMEN OF NOTE" 4/17-18/03 at the Eissey Campus
All District audition date for this year has been changed to 4/1/02
Announcing the engagement of John Jarvis Jr. and Jeneve Medford
Meeting was adjourned at 7:41 to schedule S&E events. Assistance was offered to band directors new to the festival program.
Submitted by Paul S. Destito
Secretary, FBA District 14