District 16 Meeting Minutes: August District Chair: Cathi Leibinger, Ransom Everglades M.S., (305) 250-6868 District Secretary: Brian C. Wuttke, Killian H.S., (305) 271-3311 ext. 275 66th Year, No. 1 August 25th, 2001 CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL & INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Cathi Leibinger at the Ransom Everglades Upper School called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. Members present included:
READING OF PREVIOUS MINUTES MOTION: Walters/Gardner To dispense with the reading of the previous minutes. MOTION PASSED with a unanimous vote.
ALL-STATE MOCK AUDITION Cathi Leibinger directed all members to review the script for all-state auditions. A student performed his audition as Cathi read the script.
FMEA/FSMA UPDATE Special Guest James Perry provided all members with a brief background of the inception and purpose of the FSMA. He reviewed a few items that FSMA has been responsible for such as District re-alignment, adjudicator certification, and Fine Arts credits counting as a part of a student’s G.P.A. for college admissions. He also informed members to expect to be contacted during the next session of the Florida legislature, and that members should have some type of Advocacy Tree in place.
TREASURER’S REPORT Cathi Leibinger reported that our current balance is $500.00. However, we currently owe FBA $1281.00 due to unexpected custodial fees at last years evaluations. There was no discussion following this report.
READING OF COMMUNICATIONS/ANNOUNCEMENTS The District has received a written request from Daryl Clark of Coral Reef H.S. In his letter, Mr. Clark requested to host H.S. Concert Festival. MOTION: Jackson/Hilberry To accept the request by Mr. Clark to host H.S. Concert Evaluation. Cathi Leibinger read a letter from Mr. Edrick Rhodes of Olympic H.S. in Palm Beach County. Mr. Rhodes requested to have his band perform at the District 16 Marching Evaluation, as his band will be traveling to a competition on the date of their districts evaluation. MOTION: Walters/Gardner To accept the request by Mr. Rhodes to perform at the District 16 Marching A special committee sign-up sheet was passed around to all members present Cathi directed everyone to review his or her packets. It was noted that several packets contained printing errors. Members present were told to make a note on their Contact Information Update Form if they would like a new packet mailed to them. (NOTE: apparently a blank page was left out on one of the runs, thus skewing the pages forward. Approximately 25 out of 110 packets were affected however; all packets still contained pertinent information. All remaining packets were corrected and mailed on Wednesday, August 29th to the directors not present at the meeting). The following pages from the packets were reviewed: District 16 Calendar. Policy regarding Forms and Fines (no e-mails or facsimile transmissions) Reminder page. Policy on Payment and Voting. Must be a member in good standing. All-State Audition: policy outline page All-State Audition: ensemble requirements including all updates All-State Audition: script for auditions All-State Audition: applications for All-State performing groups All-State Audition: assessment announced. It will be $15.00 Marching Evaluation forms and policies. Solo & Ensemble, Jazz Band Evaluation, Policies, Dates & Deadlines Concert Evaluation Policies, Dates & Deadlines Concert and Jazz Band Evaluation: Director must pay tape fees for each ensemble Cost for Solo & Ensemble Assesments will be announced at December meeting Helpful articles reviewed. Cathi noted that all requests for reclassification must be made in writing. Status of requests will be announced at the December meeting. During the review of the packets, Mr. Walters stressed the importance of completing and returning the announcer’s scripts for Marching Evaluation in a timely manner. Failure to do so may mean not having credits shown on the video production. Cathi said the announcer’s scripts will be mailed out shortly. It was noted that although M-DCPS requires bands to participate in evaluations, a school must have paid their FSMA dues prior to Sept. 15th in order to be eligible to participate in all FBA sanctioned events. Schools who are not current with their dues have been contacted.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS The following proposals are to be considered by the executive board.
COMMITTEE REPORTS The State committees reported as follows:
NEW BUSINESS Membership dues and enrollment forms due September 15th, 2001. Send to: MENC, 1806 Robert Fulton Dr., Reston, VA. 20191 Amount for an active member is $132.00 which includes the MENC/FMEA dues which are required. Check should be made payable to MENC. As stated earlier, the deadline for FSMA is Sept. 15th. This is now the final deadline. Forms with payments will not be accepted after this date. Every school must join in order to participate in Music Performance Assessments. The fee structure is as follows: Elementary, M.S., and Jr. High fees are $200.00 Note: High School fees are based on enrollment. Under 1,000 students = $250.00 1,001 students or more = $400.00 Fines and penalties for late FSMA dues are as follows: After August 1st: $50.00 After September 1st: $100.00 After September 15th: NO FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED. All school classification forms are due no later than October 15th to the District Chair. Fines and penalties for late classification forms are as follows: $50.00 for submitting forms after October 15th. $100.00 for submitting forms after October 23rd. After September 30th: NO FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
All-State Auditions will commence on Saturday, September 15th, at Glades M.S. Glades M.S. is located at 9451 SW 64th Street. The event will run from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Applications for students to audition must be returned to the District Chair by Tuesday, September 4th. Fines and penalties for late All-State Forms (including honor band nominations) are as follows: $50.00 for submitting forms late. $50.00 for submitting names of students or adding students onto the original roster. After September 8th: NO FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Directors who have students auditioning MUST be present to assist with the auditions. The Marching Band Music Performance Assesment will be November 10th, 2001 at Miami-Dade Community College North Campus, in Traz Powell Stadium. Marching Band entry forms are due to the District chair on October 8th, 2001. Fines and penalties for late Marching Band forms are as follows: $50.00 for submitting form after October 8th. $100.00 for submitting form after October 16th. The Sunset H.S. television department will again film all of the bands. Mr. Walters will announce the bands at the assessment. Two letters were read regarding photographing band. MOTION TO AMEND: Walter/Brewton The contract with Walters Photography (in no way related to Mr. George Walters who made the motion) will be sustained for a one-year trial basis. Other district music performance assessment dates for the year are as follows:
February 22nd-23rd, 2002 District H.S. Solo & Ensemble Festival March 1st-2nd, 2002 District M.S. Solo & Ensemble Festival March 7th-9th, 2002 District H.S. Concert Festival at Coral Reef H.S. March 18th-22nd, 2002 District M.S. Concert Festival pending F.C.A.T.
SELECTION OF ADJUDICATORS FOR 2001-2001 Roby George for the State Concert Band Assessment. NOMINATIONS FOR THE ADJUDICATORS LIST MOTION: Clark/Thomas To nominate Jermaine Fleming for Jazz Band Adjudication Internship. A secret ballot was initiated. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. SUGGESTIONS TO COMMITTESS None at this time. PROPOSALS TO THE EXECUTIVE BOARD
Brian Wuttke inquired about the status of two motions that were to be presented to the board from our last district meeting. No clear indication was given as to their status. The inquiry was tabled until the next meeting.
CORRESPONDANCE All correspondence was discussed and acted upon as noted in the minutes. GOOD OF THE ASSOCIATION Cathi Leibinger, the director at Ransom Everglades M.S. announced that an Adjudication Certification Seminar will be held at Ransom Everglades M.S. on October 13th and 14th, 2001. Cathi also announced that the Dallas Brass is going to perform at the newly organized Dade County Private Schools Honor Band. Greg Martin, the Marching Band Director at F.I.U. announced that he will be sending information about the band to directors throughout the year. Jon Hamm, the director at Ransom Everglades Upper announced the production of "Once Upon a Mattress". Ed Gooding, the director at Mays M.S. announced that his band will perform at the dedication of South Dade Bus to Fl. City on Sept. 12, 2001. Kim Johnson, the director at Coral Gables H.S. announced her Fall Concert entitled "Divine Comedy". The concert will be held on October 30th, 2001. Allen Lamp, the director of Southwest H.S. announced that he would be hosting "The Paper Chase", a special seminar for new directors on how to complete paperwork. The seminar will be held on September 8th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Lowell Thomas, the director at South Miami M.S. announced that his Steel Drum Ensemble will perform in St. Thomas and the Virgin islands in December. He also announced that his Concert Band will perform in New York in May. Brian Wuttke, the director at Killian H.S. announced that the Killian Wind Symphony has been invited to perform at the 2002 Bands of America National Concert Band Evaluation held in Indianapolis. Christopher Dorsey, the director at Miami Northwestern announced that his Jazz Ensemble will be performing in the 2001 Mid-West Band and Orchestra Clinic held in Chicago in December.
ADJOURNMENT The next district meeting is going to be held on Saturday, October 20th at 9:30 am, 2001. The meeting will be held at Fillmore Hall on the campus of the University of Miami. Being that there was no further business, a motion to adjourn was made and seconded. MOTION: Lamp/Lopez To adjourn the meeting. MOTION PASSED with a unanimous vote. Respectfully Submitted, Brian C. Wuttke, District 16 Secretary |