Florida Bandmasters Association District 16 Saturday, October 20th, 2001 University of Miami Cathi Leibinger, District Chair ITEM NO. 1 – CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTORY REMARKS The meeting was called to order at 9:29 am at Fillmore hall on the campus of the University of Miami. Cathi and Brian shared insights of their trip to the National Japan Band Competition. General observations of teaching methods were discussed. ITEM NO. 2 – ROLL CALL & INTRODUCTION OF GUEST Members present at this meeting were:
ITEM NO. 3 – READING OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES MOTION Hillbery/O’Neal, T. To dispense with the reading of the previous minutes. MOTION PASSED with a unanimous vote. ITEM NO. 4 – TREASURER’S REPORT Current Balance is $1,059.78. According to Cathi, we still owe the state about $1,200.00 due to unexpected costs associated with the hiring of custodial services at last year’s District Solo and Ensemble events. ITEM NO. 5 – READING OF COMMUNICATIONS Three schools (Killian, Miami Sunset, & Southwest H.S.) submitted letters to host District Solo & Ensemble. The discussion & vote was tabled until NEW BUSINESS. Stranahan H.S., and Dilliard H.S., submitted letters requesting to perform at our district’s marching performance assessment. The discussion & vote was tabled until NEW BUSINESS. ITEM NO. 6 – UNFINISHED BUSINESS All-State auditions were concluded successfully. Of the 259 students who applied, 218 tapes were submitted (for students who attended their audition). This is compared to 257 applicants and 198 tapes that were submitted in 2000. There is a possibility that results of the audition may be posted on the F.B.A. web-site. F.S.M.A. is currently checking into the legality of posting student names on the web-site. Otherwise, ensembles are usually announced during the first or second week of November. As previously mentioned, Marching Festival will be held on Saturday, November 10th at Traz Powell Stadium on the campus of M.D.C.C. North Campus. Filming (Video production) will be done by Sunset H.S. All announcer scripts should have been completed and returned to George Walters at Glades M.S. Photography will be done by Walters photography as per the discussion at the last district meeting. The programs and the bus assignments will be handled through the M-D.C.P.S. music office at (305) 995-1942. Our field and event coordinator this year will be Ken Goff. Paul Smith volunteered to type the judge’s forms. The F.M.E.A. All-State Clinic & Conference will be held in Tampa Jan. 9-12, 2001. There will be another adjudicator certification seminar held in Tampa during the convention. ITEM NO. 7 – COMMITTEE REPORTS Adjudicators Committee – members need to start booking judges for S&E now. Solo/Ensemble – need to begin making arrangements for pianos and percussion inst. We will also need to begin collecting information on sound system. ITEM NO. 8 – NEW BUSINESS District Solo & Ensemble and Jazz Band Music Performance Assessment High School Feb 21st (aux only if needed), 22nd, & 23rd Middle School March 1st & 2nd. MOTION O’Neal, T./Smith To host all Solo & Ensemble events at Killian High School. MOTION PASSED with a unanimous vote. All entry forms, discs, and financial assessments (For S&E, Jazz and Concert) due in hand to Cathi Leibinger by Satuday, January 19th (if forms are not hand delivered to the meeting, they must bear a postmark of Jan. 15th or earlier). A late fee of $50.00 will be assessed for all forms received until Jan. 26th. A late fee of $100.00 will be assessed for all forms received on or after Jan. 27th. Forms must be received prior to the cut-off deadline of Feb. 2nd. If the entry form is not received by Saturday, Feb. 2nd, it will not be accepted. Each form must contain appropriate signatures. The assessment per student will be decided on at the State December Board meeting. You will receive a mailing form the district in late December or early January informing you of the assessment.
A recording fee of $25.00 will be assessed for every band entering a festival. This includes all Jazz Bands and Concert Bands. David Hillbery, whose company records bands at festival, solicited input from directors on what kind of a sound they were looking for on the recordings of their bands. It was further noted that in regards to the taping of the All-State entries, David Hillbery donates all of his time to the district and does not get paid for his services. The money that is paid goes entirely for the rental of the machines. Furthermore, David is at the host site the evening before the event to insure that the machines are set-up properly. The district applauds David’s tireless effort in this matter. NOTE: any/all additions or corrections (excluding known DNA’s) to the originally submitted forms will incur a $50.00 incorrect form fine. Bands will be scheduled by classification, and size. If a date preference is desired, attach a post-it note to your entry form. Every attempt will be made to honor your request. District Concert Band Music Performance Assessment High School March 7th – 9th at Coral Reef High School Middle School March 18th – 22nd at T.B.A. As with Solo and Ensemble, directors should indicate their date preference on a post-it note and attach it to their entry forms. Bands will be scheduled by classification, and size. Every attempt will be made to honor your request. Both Cathi Leibinger and Dr. Dressman discussed new concepts of classifications for bands at great length. Ideas that are currently being considered are to continue with the current system, but with several modifications. One modification is a basic framework that allows directors to pick their own grade level of music, in essence, defining their own classification. Dr. Dressman reported that the proposals that are up for consideration have been the result of two years worth of collating data from across that state, and from other states that have high achieving band programs. Prior to moving on to the next item, Cathi announced that at the end of this year, she reluctantly must step down as district chair. She stated that she has been serving the district for eight years and feels it is time to devote more time to her own program, and to herself. She reassured the district that she would finish out this year and would make sure to work with the incoming leadership to make for a very smooth transition. She encouraged the membership to consider options for the district officers prior to the next meeting. ITEM NO. 9 – STATE FESTIVAL DATES & SITES State Concert Band Music Performance Assessment North: May 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th at Florida A&M, Tallahassee. South: April 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th at Cypress Lake Center for the Arts, Ft. Meyers. Central: April 29th thru May 2nd at Florida Southern College, Lakeland. State Solo & Ensemble and Jazz Band Music Performance Assessment April 1st, 2nd, and 3rd at Bartram Trail H.S., Jacksonville. ITEM NO. 10 – ADJUDICATOR RECCOMENDATIONS FOR DISTRICT EVENTS No adjudicators were recommended at this time. NOTE: If a member has a comment regarding an adjudicator’s evaluation, it should be addressed on the Adjudicator Evaluation Form. ITEM NO. 11 – NOMINATIONS FOR THE ADJUDICATOR’S LIST No one was nominated at this time. ITEM NO. 12 – SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CLINICS COMMITTEE H. Wayne Hoffman mentioned that it would be most beneficial to continue to include any clinic having to do with teaching F.C.A.T. strategies through music. It not only looks good when requesting a temporary duty assignment from an administrator, but it helps incorporate techniques into lesson plans. ITEM NO. 13 – PROPOSALS TO THE EXECUTIVE BOARD No proposals were mentioned at this time. ITEM NO. 14 – GOOD OF THE ASSOCIATION Thank you to George Walter and his students for hosting the All-State auditions. Thank you to David Hillbery for securing and maintaining tape decks and recording equipment. MOTION Fleming/Thomas To allow Dilliard H.S. and Stranahan H.S. to perform at our district’s marching performance assessment. MOTION PASSED with a unanimous vote. Nate Rinart, a grad student at the University of Miami conducted a brief pilot study with members present regarding band competitions. Out thoughts and prayers are extended to Kim Johnson, director of Coral Gables H.S. who is currently on a medical Leave of Absence. She is anticipating a return to her position in January. Also we extend well wishes to Erich Rivero, director of Miami High School, who suffered a broken leg at a recent competition in Boca Raton. He is currently recuperating at home and expects to be back to work very soon. ITEM NO. 15 – NEXT DISTRICT MEETING Saturday, January 19th at 8:30 am. William H. Turner Technical H.S. 10150 NW 19th Ave. According to H. Wayne Hoffman, refreshments will be available at 8:00 am. The meeting will also be preceded by an historical presentation for all who are interested. All Solo & Ensemble forms will be collected at the start of the meeting. ITEM NO. 16 – ADJOURNMENT MOTION O’Neal/Williams To adjourn the meeting. MOTION PASSED with a unanimous vote. Respectfully Submitted, Brian C. Wuttke, District Secretary