April 15, 2002
Item #1 - Call To Order and Introductory Remarks
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Duckett at 7:03 PM.
Thanks was given to Carol McQueen, Neil Brooks, the LaVilla Middle School band parents and Ware House Music for the meal this evening.
Item #2 - Director Sign In and Introduction of Guests.
William Walker guest of Mara Rose.
Other Members Present
Jim Beck, Jason Duckett, Ward Green, Asa Jernigan, Carol McQueen, Lee Ponder, Mara Rose, Charlie Ware, John Wilkerson, Al Dodds, Vince Chicerelli, Kent Staples, Chrystal Toney, Gery DeJoseph, Dean Cassels, Russell Shampine, Dean Cassels, Roger Harned.
Item #3 - Reading of Previous Minutes
Motion: Brooks/Chicerelli - Dispense with the reading of the previous minutes and accept them as published. Motion Passed.
Treasurers Report
Current balance is $10000.00 this is a large increase from previous years.
Item #5- Reading of Communications
Item #6 - Unfinished Business
Discussion of District MPAs for 2002 – Adjudicator evaluation forms.
Thanks was given by Lee Ponder, Mara Rose, Jason Duckett and John Wilkerson for the patronage of their concessions at the District MPAs this year.
Appreciation was expressed to the Keyboard Connection for the donation of keyboards for District Solo & Ensemble MPAs, this saved the district a considerable amount.
Jason Duckett encouraged everyone to use the adjudicator evaluation form to make comments on adjudicators from this years MPAs.
Item 7- Committee Reports
District Honor Band:
CD’S and Pins were distributed during this meeting. If you have not received your CD’s and pins contact Vince Chicerelli or Mara Rose.
Discussion of the importance of director attendance at each rehearsal and at the performance.
More participation in the directors’ band is needed if we plan to have this in the future.
Much discussion about rehearsal and audition format.
John Wilkerson will be the Middle School Coordinator for the 2002 –03 year.
Patrick Dunnigan has agreed to be the Senior High Clinician for the ’03 band.
Item #8 - New Business
All state tryouts – dates and locations – recordings.
Consensus was to approach Digital Recordings for the recording of All State Auditions as was done this past year.
Carol McQueen offered to host All State Auditions at LaVilla Middle School.
All others are invited to send requests for hosting this event to Asa Jernigan.
There was much discussion concerning a new schedule format for All State Auditions.
The target dates for All State Auditions are:
o September 16, 2002 - Middle School Auditions
o September 17, 2002 - High School Auditions
All State Audition training will be held at the August 26, 2002 meeting.
Item #9- Suggestions for the 2002 – 2003 adjudicators for MPAs
Many suggestions were given and will be checked into.
Item #10- Solicit letters for sites for fall events (All State/Marching)
Any school wishing to host All State Auditions should send a letter of request to Asa Jernigan ASAP. The letter should be on school letterhead and must have principal’s signature.
Any school wishing to host Marching Band MPA should send a letter of request to Asa Jernigan ASAP. The letter should be on school letterhead and must have principal’s signature.
Date Alternate
District Marching Festival Nov. 2, 2002 Oct. 26,2002
High School Solo & Ensemble Feb. 14-15, 2003
Middle School Solo & Ensemble Feb.28 – Mar.1, 2003
High School Concert Festival Mar. 6-8, 2003 Feb 27,28,Mar1, 2003
Middle School Concert Festival Apr. 3-5, 2003 Apr. 10-12, 2003
Item #11 - Nominations to the adjudicators list.
Item #12- Suggestions for Committees
Item #13- Proposals to the Executive Board
Item #15 - Good of the Association
Many Thank-Yous were express to Jason Duckett for his service as District Chairman for the past 4 years. A plaque was presented to Jason and cake was enjoyed by all
Baldwin High School Band will be performing at the World of Nations at Metro Park.
Fernandina Beach Middle School and Fernandina Beach High School Bands will be participating in the Music in the Parks festival in Atlanta, GA on April 25 – 28.
Mark your calendars for the Summer Convention.
Check the FBA website for future dates and All State requirements and updates (www.flmusiced.org).
Chrystal Toney and Kent Staples announced their upcoming wedding (August 17, 2002).
Marching Competitions
o Terry Parker High School, 2nd Saturday of October.
o St. Augustine High School, last Saturday of October.
Item #16 - Next District Meeting
Monday, April 26, 2002
Baldwin Middle Senior High School
Eat: 6:00 PM Meet 7:00 PM
Item #13 - Adjournment
7:45 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Asa Jernigan
Secretary District 17 FBA