FLORIDA BANDMASTERS ASSOCIATION DISTRICT 17 66TH YEAR, No. 3 JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA January 14, 2002 Item #1 - Call To Order and Introductory Remarks Meeting was called to order by Chairman Duckett at 7:10 PM. Thanks was given to Paul Pippin, the Fletcher High School band parents and Ware House Music for the meal this evening. Item #2 - Director Sign In and Introduction of Guests. Guests: Eileen McGonigal - intern at West Nassau High School. Kim Purvis - New Band Director at Hilliard Middle Senior High School. Other Members Present Jim Beck, Jason Duckett, Ward Green, Bill Hazlett, Asa Jernigan, Carol McQueen, Lee Ponder, Mara Rose, Charlie Ware, John Wilkerson, Al Dodds, Vince Chicerelli, Paul Pippin, Tom Haller, Kent Staples, Chrystal Toney, Lisa Upchurch, Tara Drylie, Marc Lentsch, Stephanie Deline, Gary Bass, Ace Martin, Chuck Duran, Don Reynolds, Gery DeJoseph, Terri Booth, Freddie McClain, Jr., Dean Cassels, Carla Geiger. Item #3 - Reading of Previous Minutes Motion: Beck/Green - Dispense with the reading of the previous minutes and accept them as published. Motion Passed. Treasurers Report Current balance is $5200.00 Item #4- Reading of Communications Kim Purvis - Hilliard High School. Application for Hilliard High School Band to attend the FBA High School Concert Assessment for Comments Only. Motion: Ponder/Reynolds to grant permission. Motion passed. Item #5 - Unfinished Business Items to be considered from the executive board: 1. Discussion about proposed classification changes. Classification Proposal was voted down by the executive board. Many concerns were expressed from around the state. 2. Discussion of FMEA Conference: · Congratulations to Tom Haller and the Douglas Anderson Band for their performance at the FMEA clinic. · Concerns were expressed about parking for concerts. · Concerns were expressed about the $30 per day charge for additional chaperones to enter exhibits. Item 7- Committee Reports District Honor Band: Auditions will be held at Fletcher Middle School on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 5-9 PM Audition fee will be $10 per entry All directors are needed to help with the auditions. All Rehearsals will be held at Sandalwood High School. Jan 22, 24 & 25 from 6 - 9 PM Jan 26 from 9-12 & 1-3. The Concert will be held at Sandalwood High School on Jan 27th at 3:00 PM. Students must attend all rehearsals, missed rehearsal will result in dismissal from the group. Item #8 - New Business · Festival scheduling disk - get updates online @ www.flmusiced.org - new disks are $20. · Festival Scheduling Program tutorial session. · For assistance with Festival Scheduling Disk contact Vince Chicerelli (MAC) or Asa Jernigan (IBM). · Deadlines - 30 days before first day of Solo & Ensemble Festival. · After 14 day late, NO FORMS will be accepted. · Your assessment forms and CHECK must accompany form. Use the assessment form that Jason sent to you, NOT the one on the scheduling disk. · Deadlines are - High School Jan 17th ; Middle School Jan 29th. Item #9- Festival Dates 2001 - 2002 High School S&E - February 15-16, 2002 @ Bartram Trail High School Middle School S&E - March 1-2, 2002 @ Baldwin Middle Senior High School. High School Concert - March 7-9, 2002 @ Mandarin High School Middle School Concert - March 14-15, 2002 @ Fletcher High School . · If you have special requests for performance times, get your forms to Jason early!!!! · Recordings will be done by Digital Recordings. High School State Solo & Ensemble, including Guard and Jazz - April 1-3, 2002 at Bartram Trail High School. State Concert Festival - May 3,4,6 & 7, 2002 at Florida A&M University. Item #10- Election of Officers for 2002 - 2004. District Chairman : Nominations : Asa Jernigan Motion: Reynolds/Rose to elect Asa Jernigan District Chairman. Motion passed. District Secretary: Nominations: Mara Rose Motion: Chicerelli/Upchurch to elect Mara Rose District Secretary. Motion passed. Item #11- Selection of District Festival Dates for the 2002-2003 School Year Date Alternate District Marching Festival Nov. 2, 2002 Oct. 26,2002 High School Solo & Ensemble Feb. 14-15, 2003 Middle School Solo & Ensemble Feb.28 - Mar.1, 2003 High School Concert Festival Mar. 6-8, 2003 Feb 27,28,Mar1, 2003 Middle School Concert Festival Apr. 3-5, 2003 Apr. 10-12, 2003 Item #12 - Nominations to the adjudicators list. None Item #13- Nominations of Clinicians for All State Bands Rodney Dorsey - 9th & 10th Grade band/Small School Honor Band. Leon Breedon - Jazz Item #14- Proposals to the Executive Board None Item #15 - Good of the Association · Lisa Upchurch announced her engagement to Jonathan Adams. · Rich Pate is available to substitute on B - Days, Contact Rich at Mandarin Middle School for further details. · Jim Beck expressed his thanks for the Love and Support that has been extended to him and his family from FBA members after the death of his son Brian. · Contact Terri Booth at Bishop Kenny High School for info on Tri-M. Item #12 - Next District Meeting Monday, April 15, 2002 Lavilla SOTA Middle School Eat: 6:00 PM Meet 7:00 PM Item #13 - Adjournment 8:20 PM Respectfully submitted, Asa Jernigan Secretary District 17 FBA