District 18

Jose’ A. Lopez Jr.- Chairman

Saturday, August 25, 2001
Gulfcoast High School

9:00 AM – Sonority Inservice
10:00 AM – General Meeting

Present were:

Jose Lopez

Cory Mulvihill

Walter Herman

Brett Rankin

Melissa Robery

Sue Mills

Paxon Roan

Steve Detzen

Les Kraus

Gus Figeac

Burt Ross

Robert Hamberg

Bob Quatman

Dan Mannis

Jerome Edwards

Bill Ellis

Jay Parales

Chris Bonner

Ken Trapp

Kay Dubburt

Ivan Wansley

Phil Porter

Don Kitson

Gaetano Ferlazzo

Lonnie Hill

Sandi Chestnut

Wendy Zumbrun

Julie Evans

Tom Howell

Linda Handley

Linda Reaney

Bill Reaney

Chris Mallory

Brett Rankin

David Rosa


Melvin Maxwell

Stephen Lanster

Alan Klispie


Jay Harwood

Eric Metzner

Sarah St. John


Troy Jones

Joel Pagan

Mark Dahlberg


Guests in Attendance

Dr. Dennis Hill – Edison Community College

Mr. Harry Hellings – SW Florida Jazz Society


1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jose’ Lopez at 10:00 AM.

2. Introduction of Membership

Each member and guest stood up and introduced themselves

3. Reading of Previous Minutes

MOTION: (Parales/Wansley) To dispense with the reading of the previous meeting minutes.

4. Treasury Report

End of the Year Statement: $11554.12

To FBA Assessment: $4852.00

To FSMA: $$6202.12

Balance on hand: $485.00

Mr. Lopez explained that the district has not yet received the money from the state.

2001-2002 Proposed Budget $35,300

Mr. Lopez indicated that this was a decrease from the 2000-2001 budget.

  1. Communications / Distribution of Packets
  2. Information packets were distributed to each member. Mr. Lopez went though the packet and discussed the contents.

  3. Unfinished Business
    1. Mr. Lopez encouraged the membership to read the FBA Bulletin regarding the new Classification system.
    2. Chairman Lopez reviewed the proposal to eliminate sight-reading from State Festival. The proposal would replace sight-reading with a mini-clinic with one of the festival adjudicators.
    3. Mr. Lopez clarified the criteria that a band must achieve in order to receive the Otto Krushaar Award.


  1. Committee Reports
  2. There were no committee reports.

  3. New Business
    1. Membership Dues and Enrollment Forms
    2. Due September 15

      Send to: MENC

      1806 Robert Fulton Drive

      Reston, Virginia 20191

      Check payable to MENC

    3. FSMA school dues payment to FSMA by September 15.
    4. Classification Forms
    5. Due to Chairman Jose’ Lopez on or before October 15

      Principal and Director signatures required!

      Senior High – Report grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 as appropriate

      Middle School – Report grades 7& 8 ONLY

      FINE - $50.00 for submitting this form late (payable to FBA)

      $100.00 on the 8th calendar day after deadline (payable to FBA)

    6. All State Auditions
    1. Allstate Auditions
    2. September 15, 2001 Cypress Lake High School Center for the Arts

      1. Mrs. Reaney reported regarding the proposal to have the auditions professionally recorded. The committee found that there was not a local recording company equipped to record the auditions.
      2. The membership discussed the quotes that were provided to purchase sound equipment for the district.
      3. MOTION: (Reaney/Dahlberg) To purchase professional instrumental microphones, cables, and stands for the district. The total cost will be evenly divided and that amount will be assessed to the participating 50 schools in District 18. MOTION PASSED
      4. The assessment must be paid by each school in addition to the audition assessment of $10.00 per student. This assessment must be paid in order for the students to participate in auditions.
      5. Bill Reaney volunteered to secure the other equipment necessary to record the auditions.

Please screen students carefully to insure that they are properly prepared for their audition.

Eligibility: 7th and 8th Grade Band – Grades 7&8

Senior High Bands – Grades 9&10 – Concert Band

Grades 11 & 12 – Symphonic Band

FINE - $50.00 for submitting this form late (payable to FBA)

$100.00 on the 8th calendar day after deadline (payable to FBA)

    1. All State Jazz Bands ( See Requirements)
    2. Schedule for Auditions
    3. Chairman Lopez will send out audition schedule ASAP.

      Directors were reminded to inform students of their audition site and time.

      Also remind students to arrive at least 30 minutes before their scheduled audition time.

    4. Small Schools Honor Band & 7/8 Grade Honor Band
    5. Nomination fee $15.00 per school

      Nomination forms included in director packets

      Completed forms should be sent to respective chairperson whose name is on the form.

    6. Marching Band Festival

November 3, 2001

Entry forms due to Chairman Lopez by October 5, 2000

(No assessment due at this time)

FINE - $50.00 for submitting this form late (payable to FBA)

$100.00 on the 8th calendar day after deadline (payable to FBA)

Several of the directors requested that each band performance be videotaped for later sale to director, parents, and students. Mr. Dahlberg and Mr. Figeac will investigate the options and try to accommodate this request.


  1. District Meeting Dates, Sites, and Times.
  2. The membership was given an information sheet with meeting dates for the 2001-2002 school year listed. Mr. Lopez suggested that members refer to this sheet throughout the year for important dates and events.

  3. Other Festival Dates and Times
  4. District Solo and Ensemble Festival February 22&23 Lehigh Senior High

    District HS Concert Festival March 15&16 North Ft. Myers High

    District MS Concert Festival March 21&22 Cypress Lake High

  5. Adjudicators for Festivals
  6. (See Director Packets)

  7. Nominations for Adjudicator’s List
  8. MOTION: B. Reaney/Dahlberg Recommend that Linda Reaney complete internship to be added to sight reading adjudication list.

  9. Suggestions to the Music and Clinics Committee
  10. There were no suggestions at this time.

  11. Proposals to the Executive Board
  12. There were no proposals at this time.

  13. Correspondence
  14. There was no correspondence received.

  15. Good of the Association

A. The membership thanked Jerome Edwards for the meeting goodies.

    1. The next district Meeting will take place on November 13 at Cypress Lake High School Center for the Arts.
    2. Dr. Hill spoke about the possibility of hosting South State Festival at Barbara B. Mann. The membership decided that the logistics would prohibit hosting the festival this year but that they would like to look into the possibility of hosting in future years.
    3. Mr. Hellings spoke to the group about the SW Florida Jazz Society and scholarship opportunities for students.
    4. Mr. Evans spoke to the membership regarding Philharmonic events and activities.
  1. Adjournment

MOTION: (Wansley/Pagan) to adjourn meeting. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 12:25 PM.









Students and Parents, please direct all official FBA questions to your Band Director

Contents (C) 2005 Florida Bandmasters Association
Duane Hendon, Executive Director:  DuaneLHendon@cs.com 
Josh Bula, Webmaster. bulaj@mail.leon.k12.fl.us