Florida Bandmasters Association
District 19
Lake, Marion & Sumter Counties, Florida
66th Year, No. 3 January 25, 2002
Chairman Robert Allen called the meeting of District 19 of the Florida Bandmasters Association to order at 10:00 AM in the cafeteria at Ocala-Forest High School in Ocala, FL. Chairman Allen welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked Jody Alexander for the breakfast refreshments.

Members and Guests in attendance were:

Robert S. Allen, District Chairman, Fort King Middle School
Allen J. Venezio, District Secretary, Tavares High School
Duane L. Hendon, F.B.A. Executive Director
J. Douglas Yopp, Junior High/Middle School Rep, Oak Park Middle School
Name High School
Joe Hartley Belleview H.S.
Gloria Powell Dunnellon H.S.
Allen Chambers Eustis H.S.
John Leschak Lake Weir H.S.
Jack Hart Leesburg H.S.
Robert Cohen Mount Dora H.S.
Robert Mullinax South Lake H.S.
David Christensen South Sumter H.S.
Ryan Wright Tavares H.S. & MARS Music
Dawn Pantke Umatilla H.S.
Philip West Vanguard H.S.
Scott Vance West Port H.S.
Gabriel Miller Wildwood H.S.
Name Middle School
Jodi Wunsch Carver M.S.
Gerry Ricke Eustis M.S.
Richard Graico Gray M.S.
Glenn Maerkl Howard M.S.
Craig Eason Lake Weir M.S.
Lynn Stocker Mount Dora M.S.
Chris Sego South Sumter M.S.
Tina Laferriere Tavares M.S.
Stan Lawson Umatilla M.S.
Jack Post Wildwood M.S.
Cliff Revell Windy Hill M.S.
Alonzo Braddon Retired
L.C. Coney Retired

It is not necessary to have a motion and a vote: "If there are no objections or changes to the previous minutes, they stand approved as distributed."

The balance in the checkbook as of January 25,2002 stands at $8,035.60. Chairman Allen reported that he had not deposited the assessment checks yet nor paid the assessments to FSMA.

Secretary Venezio reported that a sympathy card was sent to Greg Murphy on the passing of his wife earlier this month. Mr. Venezio also reported that Mr. Sam McClung, Director of Instrumental Music at Central Florida Community College, had written a letter to introduce himself to the directors of our district. His e-mail at CFCC is mcclungs@cfcc.cc.fl.us and his number there is (352) 854-2322.

District 19 has none at this time.

District Honors Band: Ms. Jodi Wunsch passed out a report to all the directors. Total fees collected were $4,210.00 and total expenses were $4,350.02. This is before we receive the commission from t-shirt/plaque sales and before the music was sold to the directors.

She has acquired the clinicians for next year's honors band. They will be Dr. Bobby Adams (Stetson University) for high school honors, Dr. Marcus Dickman (Univ. of North Florida) for high school honors jazz and Mr. Michael Waller (West Shore Jr./Sr. High) for middle school honors. The dates for next year's honors band will be January 23-25, 2003.

Jodi stressed the importance of all the directors making sure that, in the future, their students are better informed and better prepared for the honors band. Directors should also make sure that their students are playing the parts they were assigned.

There was much discussion about the audition process. Three options were presented for a vote.

Proposal 1: Secretary Allen Venezio made the suggestion that we allow schools to recommend two students to the honors band. Those two students must score a minimum score (65) on the audition to make the band. All the other spots in the band would be filled by open audition.

Proposal 2: Another suggestion was made that we allow each school to nominate one student. That student is guaranteed to be in the band and the other spots will be filled by open audition.

Proposal 3: Robert Mullinax and Allen Chambers made the suggestion that we eliminate the nomination process entirely and hold open auditions to fill the entire band.

Voting Results: Proposal 1 - 13 votes; Proposal 2 - 1 vote; Proposal 3 - 9 votes.

The 2003 District Honors Concert Bands will be selected and seated by the criteria in Proposal 1. The Jazz Band will remain an audition-in-advance process as it was this past year.

1. The Chairman said he would get the Solo & Ensemble schedules out to us as quickly as possible. He reported that there is a glitch in his Scheduler program and he will work that out on Monday.
2. Jazz Band Festival: Mr. Doug Yopp discussed the jazz band procedure for Thursday evening. The Band Room will be the warm-up room for jazz band. He asked Ms. Pantke to procure announcers and stage crew for the jazz band site.
3. Concert Festival: Chairman Allen urged middle school directors to hear the high school bands play and the high school directors should hear the middle school bands play.
 High School Judges: James Sammons, Phil Wharton, Neil Jenkins, Roanna Combs (SR)
 Middle School Judges: Lee Sellers, Jane Lucas, Andrea Tobin, Michael LeClerc (SR)
 Jazz Band Judges: Bill Reineke, Kathy Thompson, Jerome Edwards.
 Recording: Opus III will be doing the recording. See note at end of minutes

1. Solo & Ensemble, Jazz Band and Auxiliary Festival: April 1 – 3, 2002 at Bartram Trail HS (Jacksonville, FL). Once District S&E is over, directors have 7 days to send in their disk, application forms and money for the State S&E Festival. The same applies to District Concert Festival.
2. Concert Central Site: April 29 - May 2, 2002 at Florida Southern College (Lakeland, FL)

1. Gerald Ricke of Eustis Middle (Doug Yopp)
2. Allen Venezio of Tavares High (Robert Mullinax)
 By majority vote of the district, Allen Venezio was elected to the position of District Chairman for the 2002-2004 term.
1. Jodi Wunsch of Carver Middle (David Christensen)
 By acclimation, Jodi Wunsch was elected to the position of District Secretary for the 2002-2004 term.

 Marching Festival -- Saturday, November 9, 2002 with location to be determined.
 Solo & Ensemble -- February 14-15, 2003 with location to be determined. Much discussion was made about these dates, but it was found that this was the only weekend that did not conflict with community obligations across the district.
 High School Concert -- March 14-15, 2003 with location to be determined.
 High School Concert (alt) -- March 7-8, 2003 with location to be determined.
 Middle School Concert -- February 28 - March 1, 2003 with location to be determined. Much discussion was had about this date being moved to April 4-5, 2003, however it was voted by unanimous decision to stay with the earlier date.

District 19 has none at this time.

Jody Alexander suggested Dr. John Carmichael from Western Kentucky University.
Tina Laferriere suggested Mr. Don Zentz, Mrs. Carol McQueen and Mr. Al Hagar for the inaugural Middle School All-State Jazz Honors Band.

District 19 has none at this time.

 The Marion County situation with their 3X3 scheduling was discussed. Executive Director Duane Hendon conducted a show-of-hands survey about what scheduling we were currently using at our respective schools.
 Ms. Dawn Pantke reported her success with the Umatilla High School Band on their trip to the Peach Bowl over the Holiday Break. Congratulations to them on their accomplishments!
 Ms. Terri Smith thanked Mrs. Jodi Wunsch and Ms. Jody Alexander on their wonderful job with the District Honors Band.
 Ms. Smith also reported that her student that was injured last fall has come out of his coma and is doing much better.

The next meeting of District 19 of the Florida Bandmasters Association will be held Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 7:00 P.M at Tavares High School.

MOTION: Yopp/Laferriere to adjourn. PASSED
Chairman Allen adjourned the meeting at 11:15 A.M.

Respectfully Submitted,
Allen J. Venezio
District 19 Secretary

District Secretary Allen Venezio was able to secure Opus III to record the District Jazz Band Festival and the High School and Middle School District Concert Festivals. The recording fee will be $20 per ensemble and must be paid to the Chairman on the day of the Festival. This means if you have two concert bands, your recording fee is $40. If you have a jazz band, you will need to pay that fee ($20) on the day of Jazz Band Festival and your Concert Band (or bands) on the day of Concert Band Festival. Included with the recording fee is a CD of your ensemble's performance. Additional copies of your performance CD may be purchased by students for $10 each. Directors may purchase a "Director's Set" of all the bands at the festival for $5 per band (each band is on their own CD). This price is for Director's only. Students can purchase other bands performance CDs at a cost of $10 per band.