Florida Bandmasters Association

District Two

Third Meeting Agenda                         Chipley High School                              January 22, 2002


ITEM #1:              CALL TO ORDER & Introductory Remarks

The meeting was called to order by district chairman Richard Davenport after an outstanding meal of fried catfish, hushpuppies, and cheese grits provided by the Marianna High School Band Boosters and Mr. Jamie Standland.  Many thanks to Jamie Standland, his dad and Mr. Peel.

ITEM #2:             ROLL CALL & Introduction of Guest


Allan Williams

Richard Davenport

Bill Thompson

James Seaboch

Roger Etheridge

James Baltikauski

Mickey Rowell

Amy Allen

Eddie Page

Jamie Birdwell

Jay Juchniewicz

Barbara Page

James Colvin

Sue Nicholson

Terry Stryker

Rob Lyda

Jamie Standland

Robin Downs

Teri VanDyke



Minutes were posted on the web site and mailed to members.  There was no need to read the minutes from the previous meeting.


ITEM #4            FINANCIAL REPORT (no vote necessary) – No transactions since November Meeting,

Balance of $5593.08 in account.


There has been no activity in the account since our last meeting.






-          Reactions to Board & General meeting minutes

-          Discussion about why the Classification proposal was defeated by the board.

The proposal was defeated by a vote of 14 to 4.     

The main reason for the defeat of this proposal was the wealth of information provided by members of our district and others that were concerned with the effect that it would have on the small schools band comprise the majority of our district.

ITEM #7:             FESTIVALS


-          February 8 & 9, 2001 at the Baptist College of Florida, Graceville (Host: Ron Branning)

-          Auxiliary Events BCF Gym on Friday Evening and Sat. morning.

-          Playground Music will be providing a director hospitality room.

-          BCF has offered to provide meals for adjudictors.

-          Collect Entry Forms/Disks, Schedule Forms, Assessment Form, Assessment Check

-          Pianos (total of 10) provided by BCF – District will pay for tuning.

-          Stands (need 50) provided by BCF and Graceville HS

-          Draft student schedules will be mailed by January 28 – check for errors.

-          Entry Changes Form must be in R. Davenport’s hands by Noon, February 4.

-          This is an absolute deadline: no changes can be made after February 4th.

-          Final schedules will be mailed by February 5.

-          Remind students of:      

§         Music/grade level requirements

§         Importance of being on time for events

§         ORIGINAL COPIES of music for judges, numbered

                                                            (rule clarification: may use original solo or piano/solo score)

§                     Behavior on the BCF Campus – we are guests there!

§                     Only Directors in the Festival Office, please! (tell parents, too!)

-          Student workers/runners needed (community service hours!)

-          Provide maps & schedules to EVERY student, please!

-          Review of new S&E Adjudicator Comment Forms to be used this year.

-          Adjudicators: C. Franks, R. Smith, T. Fitzpatrick, E. Hebson, W. Whitman, J. Knight,

J. Smith, R. Folsom, E. Steadman, R. DeLaFuente, C. Perego, N. Theile

                        Please make your students aware that they are guests on the college campus and that their language

                          And behavior should be the best it can be.  Review the handout about Sand E provided by the district

Chairman, it could be helpful to your students.


A review of the new forms was conducted by the district chair.  The new form will be used for both Solos and Ensembles since there was only one item that was different.  This may cause some confusion.



-             North Site: Thursday, March 14, Chipley High School

-             South Site: Friday, March 15, Gulf Coast Community College (Host: Rosie Burke)

-             Scheduling by class; conflicts will be accommodated where possible

-             Double check with your school’s FCAT testing/makeup dates and times for conflicts

-             Programs (Playground Music) - Titles due to R. Davenport by February 20

-             Recording: North Site: James Seaboch; South Site: to be researched by B. Page

-             Equipment provided by:

·         North: Chipley HS & Roulhac MS

·         South: Bay HS (stage) & Mosley HS (sightreading)

-          Student workers/runners needed (community service hours!)

-          Adjudicators:             Wayne Whitman; Ernest Hebson, TBA

(Other suggestions were provided by the membership)

                        Mosley will take care of the set up and equipment for the sight-reading room.

                        Jinks will take care of equipment for the warm-up room.

                        Bay will take care of the equipment for the performance area (on stage).

                        The district chairman reviewed the new forms for concert band and pointed out the differences.

                        The members were asked to become familiar with the changes.

ITEM #8:             NEW BUSINESS - None

ITEM #9:             STATE FESTIVALS      

North Band Site: FAMU, May 3-7, 2002

                                    State S&E/Jazz/Auxiliaries Festival: Bantram Trail HS, Jax, April 1-3, 2002

ITEM #10:            ELECTION OF OFFICERS (not our year)


ITEM #11:             DISTRICT FESTIVAL DATES FOR 2001-2002

§         Marching: Saturday, October 26, 2002

§         Solo & Ensemble: Fri & Sat, February 8 & 9, 2003

§         Concert: Thu. & Fri., March 13 & 14, 2003

(possible alternate dates will be selected at May meeting)


                        Motion by Page second by Seaboch to accept these dates.

                        We will review those dates in the fall when we get our new school calendar.


ITEM #12:             NOMINATIONS FOR ADJUDICATORS LIST (voting must be by secret ballot) - None                

                        Those nominated for the adjudicators list must do the clinic before they will be allowed to intern.


                        Tim Paul, Leon HS for 7/8 Honor Band

Anthony Miello(?) at James Madison U.




                        Congrats and best wished to Neil Gray on his wedding in December and extended honeymoon.

                        MENC Convention in Nashville (April 1-3): Rob Lyda is a presenter.



                        Monday, May 6, 2001, Terry Stryker’s house, 6:00 Dinner, 7:00 meeting.

ITEM #17:             ADJOURNMENT

                        Motion to adjourn by E. Page second by B. Page.

                        The meeting was adjourned by Davenport.

Respectfully submitted

Allan Williams