66TH year, No. 2                      12 November 2001

Directors Present:

Brian Dell

Leon High

Aaron Trkovsky

Deerlake Middle

Mike German

Chiles High

Kelly Porter

Godby High

Ken Michael

Suwannee Middle

Geoff Hill

Madison High

Tim Paul

Leon High

Chuck Perego

Raa Middle

Jennifer Corzine

Maclay School

Bill Miller

Cobb Middle

Dave Rollins

Belle Vue Middle

Michael Antmann

Swift Creek Middle

Monica Leimer

John Paul II School

John merson

Taylor County High

Holly Kennedy

Florida High

Carmen Williams

Fairview Middle

Jason Hilliard

Suwannee High

Alex Kaminski

Lincoln High

Nathan White

Taylor County Middle

Dale Thomas

Nims MIddle

Duane Hendon


Jack Crew


James Perry




ITEM NO. 1 Meeting called to order by Duane Hendon, Executive Director at 6:10pm.

ITEM NO. 2 Roll call. We welcomed James Perry from FSMA/FMEA.

ITEM NO. 3 Previous minutes dispensed.

ITEM NO. 4 Treasurer’s Report: $7,494.16

Marching Festival: 705 Adult and 226 Child Tickets to equal $4,203.00.

ITEM NO. 5 Communications: NONE

ITEM NO. 6 Unfinished Business:

All-State Auditions: Some discussion of the audition process being at different schools. Most directors felt it was awesome and was good for the students. Their students were extremely comfortable coming to their own band rooms. Results were posted today, check the FBA website.

Marching Festival: Everything ran smoothly. The band gate and chaperone pass situation still needs work. Some directors did not notify their parents and staff of the badges. It was better than what was done in the past, but still needs improvement. A committee needs to be formed to make these improvements before next year. Please remember to turn in adjudicator evaluation forms to our district chairman.

Attend FMEA – There have been some minor changes, please check the website or the Florida Director.

ITEM NO. 7 Committee Reports: All-District Band Information:

The dates are January 31- February 2 at Godby High School. Audition information was emailed.

Have one T-shirt ready and take orders at registration. There will be no additional fee for the students that make the band. They will use the current money raised from registration for auditions. Kelly Porter has taken care of arranging the audition site and times. Room assignments for auditions will be finalized by Saturday. The middle school clinician will be Dr. Julian White from FAMU and the high school clinician is TBA. Dr. Croft has been asked, but Phi Beta Mu is that weekend. Dr Weidrich from USF was also asked, but has another engagement that weekend. We are searching and will let you know through email.

ITEM NO. 8 New Business:

Solo/Ensemble Festival: Saturday, February 16 at FSU.

"Festivals" Scheduling disk is due to District Chairman by Saturday, January 19.

On the 15th day after the original deadline for submission, no entry forms will be accepted.

Suggestion was made to try to arrange a Director’s lounge if the room is available.

Assessment Form, Check, & Disk MUST accompany entry.

Concert Festival: Thursday & Friday, March 14 & 15, 2002. HS at Leon and No site for MS at this time. Chuck Perego and Michael Antmann will assist Tim and Brian with the MS Festival. Waiting for volunteers to assist with the HS Festival. Aaron Trkovsky will take care of programs.

Motion: For Ken Michal to record MS & HS Concert Festival for $10 per CD/band – Williams/Trkovsky. PASSED

ITEM NO. 9 "Festival" computer program was discussed with the directors. Contact Curtis Wilson directly for new programs.

ITEM NO. 10 State Festival Dates:

South: April 24-27, Fort Myers

Central: April 29-May 2, Lakeland (Florida Southern)

North: May 3,4, 6, 7, Tallahassee (FAMU)

State S&E: April 1-3, Jacksonville

ITEM NO. 11 Adjudicators for our festivals are still in the works.

ITEM NO. 12 No nominations for the adjudicators list

ITEM NO. 13 No Suggestions to Clinics Committee

ITEM NO. 14 Proposals to the executive board: NONE

ITEM NO. 15 Good of the Association:

Marine Band Concert was incredible.

Visit Mid-West if all possible

Make beautiful music and Live the Life you Love and Love the Life you Live!

ITEM NO. 16 Next meeting is 19 January 2002 at Leon High School -- 10:00 A.M.

ITEM NO. 17 Adjournment – Emerson/Hilliard. PASSED at 7:27 P.M.


Respectfully submitted:

Brian P. Dell

FBA District III Secretary


Students and Parents, please direct all official FBA questions to your Band Director

Contents (C) 2005 Florida Bandmasters Association
Duane Hendon, Executive Director:  DuaneLHendon@cs.com 
Josh Bula, Webmaster. bulaj@mail.leon.k12.fl.us