Florida Bandmasters Association
District IV Minutes
66th Year, No. 1 Gainesville, Florida August 20, 2001
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Amy Beres at 6:30 PM in the Gainesville High School 9th Grade center. Those present were: Amy Beres, Mary Ann Sickon, Rob Button, Martha Mayer, Leslie Kushner, Gerald Poe, Gary Buss, Andrew Couse, Mark Stoneman, Phyllis Stoneman, Steve Hentzelman, David McGuffin, Bobby Fore, Lori Pirzer, Chris Ball, Winford Franklin, Martha Reid, David Dixon, Paula Thornton, Debra Manna (intern), Vicki Nolan, Kelly Dorsey, Buddy Ball, Dirk Schmidt, Kathy LaVay, Steve Bingham, Bill Dishman, Mike Eberle, Everett, McConn, Nick Albanese, David Olsen, Joey Giberti, Jason Dobson, Mike Williams, Joe Adkins, John Henry, Nick Stark, Trent Hayes, Ralph Coleman, Doug Carroll, Stephen Freeby,
Bert Creswell, Jim Rothgeb, Tony Buzzella, Lauren Howard
Introduction of Guests Chairman Amy Beres introduced James Perry, FSMA & FMEA Executive
Director/President, who spoke on various changes/upcoming conferences.
See the Music Director or www.flmusiced.org re: Fsma
Reading of Previous Minutes Correction made regarding author of motion pertaining to Marching Band
Performance Assessment refer to May meeting minutes
Treasurers Report End-of-year statement $4,304.16
Proposed Current year budget $37,550.00
Communications Distribution of packets for current year information
Request by Chairman to "TURN in FORMS ON TIME!"
Must use IBM formatted Disk – contact Amy Beres for more info
State Solo & Ensemble & Concert dates are incorrect in packet
Directors must be paid FBA members for special considerations
Unfinished Business
See Agenda attachments concerning current proposals.
Motion: Kathy LaVay Second: Steve Bingham To table proposals until November meeting Motion: Passed
(Proposals will be voted on in November)
B. Adjudicators list – must have a certified adjudicator on panel for Concert & Marching Band. Adjudicators must have certification by 2005 for Solo & Ensemble (contact Amy Beres for dates of certification process)
C. Marching Band Performance Assessment (formerly known as Marching Festival) will no longer have a music effect sheet. Motion: Paula Thornton Second: Kathy LaVay To Hire, if available, an adjudicator for marching percussion.
Motion : Passed
Committee Reports None
New Business
- Membership Dues/Enrollment forms are due September 15th, earlier if you want uninterrupted FMEA & MENC magazine delivery. FSMA School Dues payment due September 15th. This is the absolute deadline. If not paid by Sept. 15th, you CANNOT participate!
- Classification forms are due October 15th to the District Chairman; principal & director signature required. If you are still named as a Junior High, but don’t have 9th Grade students, please consider yourself a middle school for classification purposes. $50.00 fine if late. $100.00 fine on the 8th calendar day after the deadline. (payable to FBA)
- All-State Auditions will be on Saturday, September 22nd at Buchholz High School in Gainesville. APPLICATION FORMS ARE DUE SEPTEMBER 7th. (In the chairman’s hands, not postmarked) The audition fee is $10.00 per student. A mock audition was run to explain correct monitoring procedures. Proper operation of the recording equipment was explained.
- All State Jazz Band Auditions (see Requirements)
- Schedules for All State Auditions will be sent out the week of September 10th
- Please Screen Students Carefully! This is an audition for exceptionally talented and prepared students. HAVE A MOCK AUDITION. You are expected to work if you have a student auditioning.
- Applications for the Small Schools Honor Band & the 7th/8th Grade Honor Band were included in your packet of forms. If you did not get one, they can also be found in the August FBA Bulletin. There is a $15.00 fee per school. These forms must be postmarked by September 26th and sent to the respective chairmen listed.
- District Marching Band Performance Assessment (entry forms are typed)
October 20, 2001
Columbia High School in Lake City
Entry forms for marching performance are due by September 20th
No assessment money collected at this time.
Motion & "amended": Mike Williams Second: Rob Button
To presell tickets for Marching Assessment $5.00 / $7.00 gate. Bring Money and unsold tickets to Press
Box and "if not turned in have ratings held until unsold tickets/money turned in."
Motion passed. (money should be in check form payable to FBA District 4)
Contact Amy Beres for tickets.
- Terry Moo – audio $25.00
- Jim Walters- photographer
- Schedules/information will be sent out the week of October 1st
Motion: Tony Buzzella
To change marching program to printed program with pictures etc. for resale to audience
Motion died to lack of second.
Only directors and interns will be admitted without a ticket. Staff members should use chaperone passes. You must have classification form on file to participate in marching performance & must be a member of FSMA. Festival assistance is needed from the middle school directors.
If classification forms are not on file with FSMA by October 15th, you cannot participate in any FBA events for the year!
Festival Programming Information
A formatted IBM disk was distributed in your information packet. With the exception of the Marching Performance form, all forms this year must be turned in on a disc AND must have a hard copy attached.
Other Performance Dates & Sites
Solo & Ensemble Performance February 15-16, 2002 Kanapaha Middle School - Gainesville
Jazz Band February 14-15, 2002 Kanapaha
HS Concert March 7-9, 2002 Gainesville High School - Gainesville
MS Concert tba Bell M/H - Bell
Middle School Concert Performance date to be decided by ballot (enclosed for m.s. directors)
Motion: Dirk Schmidt Second: Mike Williams
To explore another date for Middle School Performance Assessment not conflicting with FCAT
(and spring breaks.)
Motion passed.
Adjudicators For Music Performance Assessment Concerts
There is a list in your packet of forms with all of the adjudicators for this year’s festivals.
Nominations to the Adjudicators List None.
Suggestions to any committees None.
Proposals to the Executive Board None.
Correspondence None.
Good of the Association
· Paula Thornton announced that Joe Kreines would be in Gainesville Nov.30 and was available, flyer in packet. Others let us know that she was NBA state chair, her band would be playing at the Atlanta conference and that she was up for FBA President elect!!
- Orange Park had no conflict with Homecoming & marching performance Oct. 20th
- Bill Dishman announced it was time for the Charlie Dean Memorial Trumpet selection
- Dave McGuffin announced FCCJ hosting Frederic Fennell Nov. 19/20
- Midwest Dec.18 – Chicago
- Gerry Poe announced U.S. Marine Band at CPA in Nov.
And that Richard W. Bowles will be the first college director inducted into the Hall of Fame
Stetson will have further information on the event
Next District Meeting Monday, November 19, 2001
Mebane Middle School
Alachua, FL
6:00 PM Social / 6:30 PM Meeting
Meeting was adjourned at 8:31 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Leslie Kushner,
Secretary, District IV |