District IV Minutes

66th Year, No. 3                      Gainesville, Florida               January 28, 2002


Chairman Amy Beres called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM in the Fort Clarke Middle School band room.  Those present were: Leslie Kushner, Kelly Dorsey, Jim Rothgeb, Paula Thornton, Dirk Schmidt, John Henry, MaryAnn Sickon, Andrew Couse, Mark Stoneman, Phyllis Stoneman, Steve Hentzelman, Winford Franklin, Bert Creswell, David Olsen, David McGuffin, Trent Hayes, Everett McConn, David Dixson, Doug Carroll, Matt Flenner, Ed Amaya, Joe Adkins, Kathy Lavay, Julie Glaser, Bobby Fore, Stephen Freeby, Lori Pirzer, Vicky Nolan, Ralph Coleman, Robert Stark, Joey Giberti, Steve Bingham.


Introduction of Guests      Gabe Fielder  (Buchholz High), Shannon Parramore –  (Bell),

Jason Obara –  (Howard Bishop),  Kimberlee Barry (Orange Park High),  Mike Reynolds – (Santa Fe High), Phil Bravo – (Gainesville High)


Reading of Previous Minutes            Motion: unanimous                     Second: unanimous

                                                                        To dispense with the reading of the minutes.

                                                                        Motion passed.


Treasurers Report                        $31,495.24 current balance


Communications                    None.


Unfinished Business

A.      Reactions to board and general meeting – none.

B.      Comments on FMEA Clinic/Conference: Most directors felt that they had a positive     

        experience at this year’s convention – well-run and scheduled well.        

C.       Mentoring Program – Julie Glaser (new at Bronson) assigned to John Henry

Committee Reports                       None

New Business

                  A.  Solo & Ensemble: February 14th (Jazz Bands), Feb. 15-16th at Kanapaha Middle School

(Title changes due in writing on form no later than Feb. 5th )


Concert Band Music Performance Assessments: Middle School: Feb.28 – Mar. 2,2002

                                                                                                      Location: Bell Middle/High School 

                                                                                                      need 3 judges

                         High School: March 7-9, 2002       Location: Gainesville High    need 1 judge

B.     Concert Performance Schedules:  Directors were given copies of the schedules for Middle School and High School Concert Performances & Solo & Ensemble.  They were reminded that title changes for High School Performances were due no later than February 25, 2002 and Middle School Performances were due by February 18,2002.

C.    Recording of Performance assessments: Terry Moo of Good Moos Productions

(don’t forget to send $25.00 for Marching recording)

                  D.   Pictures for Concert Performances: not enough interest generated for consideration

State Band

State Concert Assessment: (North Region) May3,4,6,7, 2002 at Florida A&M University (Tallahassee)

                                            Central: Apr 29 – May 2, 2002 at Florida Southern College (Lakeland)

                                         South: Apr 24-27, 2002 at Cypress Lake Center for The Arts (Ft. Myers)

Call Duane Hendon if you have not received your State entry bulletin by early March.

Selection of Festival Dates for Next School Year 

Motion: Schmidt                         Second: Lavay

To have All-State Auditions September 21, 2002

Motion passed.

Motion:  Lavay              Second:  Creswell

To have District Marching Festival on October 26, 2002.

Motion passed.

Motion:  Lavay              Second:  McGuffin

To have District Solo & Ensemble /Jazz Band Festival on February 13-15, 2003.  (Jazz- only on 13th) 

Motion passed.

Motion:  Creswell                       Second:  Henry

To have District High School Concert Festival on March 6-8, 2003.

Motion passed.

Motion: Schmidt                        Second:  Dorsey

To have District Middle School Concert Festival on Feb. 27-28- March 1 2003.

Motion passed.

Hosts for Performance Assessments needed. Send, fax or email letter with principal signatures to Amy Beres or bring to May meeting.


Nominations to the Adjudicators List     

Motion:  Creswell                       Second: ___________

To nominate Winford Franklin to adjudicator’s list.

Motion passed by secret ballot.

Nominations of Clinicians for All-State Bands none

Proposals to the Executive Board  none

Correspondence  None.

Good of the Association

Directions to Bell in packets. Turn in food forms to Kelly Dorsey.

Steve Bingham needs Corning March by Strauss for Alachua High School Honor Band – also he’s  looking for a euphonium, still!

Matt Flenner announced dates of Glenn Miller Band performances: Feb. 27th Lake City

Also, he would like to borrow some Grade I music                            Feb.28th  Chiefland                              

Doug Carroll- announced BAND CENTRAL now has a lender for financing.

***  Congratulations to Paula Thornton – (Buchholz High) has been elected President-elect for FBA***                     

Next District Meeting            Monday, May 13, 2002

                                                            Buchholz High School

                                                            Gainesville, FL

                                                            6:00 PM Social / 6:30 PM Meeting


Meeting was adjourned in record time:  7:01 PM!

Respectfully Submitted,

Leslie Kushner,

Secretary, District IV