New Port Richey, FL 66th Year, No.1 August 16, 2001
ITEM NO. 1 CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Chairman Travis Henry called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm ITEM NO. 2 ROLL CALL, INTRODUCTION OF NEW DIRECTORS/GUESTS Congratulations to Jeanne Klecker, Chasco MS, Jonathan McKeown,Ridgewood HS and Paul Steuart, Centennial MS
ITEM NO. 3 READING OF PREVIOUS MINUTES MOTION – Sever/Wickersheim To dispense with the reading of the minutes. PASSED ITEM NO. 4 TREASURER’S REPORT The Chairman reported that we have $630.00 in our account. We are anticipating the FSMA Advance to be $5308.01. We will receive this by September 1. MOTION – Wickersheim/Greive To accept the treasurer’s report as read. PASSED ITEM NO. 5 COMMUNICATIONS AND DISTRIBUTION OF PACKETS The Chairman reminded everyone to use the Festival program for all entry forms, except All-State Application forms. All-State forms are due to the chairman by September 1. Honors band forms must be postmarked by September 26.
ITEM NO. 6 UNFINISHED BUSINESS MOTION – Wickershem/Sever To use a percussion adjudicator for FBA Marching MPA. PASSED MOTION – Brazinski/Greive To establish District 5 as opposed to the proposal from District 13 that was referred to districts. PASSED ITEM NO. 7 COMMITTEE REPORTS – None ITEM NO. 8 NEW BUSINESS MENC/FMEA/FBA membership and enrollment forms due September 15. Send to: MENC 1806 Robert Fulton Rd. Reston, VA 30191 Amount: $134.00; includes MENC/FMEA dues Checks payable to MENC.
FSMA payments due September 15. Classification forms – due October 15 to Travis Henry Director and principal signatures are required. FINES: $50.00 for submitting the form late (payable to FBA) $100.00 on the 8th calendar date after the deadline All-State auditions Date: September 15, 2001 Site: River Ridge Middle/High School Time: 8:00 am to 1:00 pm $10.00 per entry Please screen students carefully!! This is an audition for exceptionally talented and prepared Students. District Marching Music Performance Assessment Date: November 10, 2001 Site: River Ridge Middle/High School Time: TBA MOTION – Dasher/Parrulli To begin MPA at 4:00 pm PASSED Entry forms due to the chairman by October 26, 2001. No assessments are to be sent.
Program. Please submit it in grayscale and camera ready. DUE with entry form. MOTION – Parrulli/Wickersheim To provide videotaping of the MPA PASSED MOTION – Overwhelming majority To offer to photographs during the MPA PASSED
MOTION – Brazinski/Greive To schedule bands from smallest to largest; AMENDED: to schedule host band last, regardless of size. PASSED ITEM NO. 9 OTHER FESTIVAL DATES AND SITES Solo/Ensemble and Jazz MPA February 8-9, 2002 Central HS HS Concert MPA March 1-2, 2001 Wesley Chapel HS MS Concert MPA March 8-9, 2002 Wesley Chapel HS ITEM NO. 10 ADJUDICATORS FOR FESTIVAL All in place at this time, except auxiliary adjudicator. ITEM NO. 11 NOMINATIONS FOR ADJUDICATORS Robert Neale – Solo/Ensemble – Woodwinds and Concert Band PASSED Thomas Viking – Solo/Ensemble – Woodwinds and Marching Band (all captions) PASSED ITEM NO.12 SUGGESTIONS TO MUSIC COMMITTEE – due November 1 SUGGESTIONS TO CLINICS COMMITTEE – due October 1 ITEM NO. 13 PROPSAOLS TO EXECUTIVE BOARD – None to report ITEM NO. 14 CORRESPONDENCE - None to report ITEM NO. 15 GOOD OF THE ASSOCIATION The U. S. Marine Band (The President’s Own) will be performing at River Ridge HS on November 3. Watch for ticket availability in the St. Petersburg Times.
The FSU School of Music is looking to send student teachers into our area. If anyone is Interested, please call Dr. Steve Kelly at (850)644-3424. You must complete the Clinical Education training through the district office. Wesley Chapel HS will be hosting a Pre-Festival concert for East Pasco Co. and other schools Before the Concert MPA in March. Please call Mary Harvey for more information. ITEM NO.16 NEXT DISTRICT MEETING Date: November 20, 2001 Time: 7:00 pm Site: Wesley Chapel HS (as voted on by the membership) ITEM NO.17 ADJOURNMENT
MOTION – ALL/ALL To adjourn the meeting at 8:25 pm. PASSED
Respectfully Submitted by
Dean M. Donataccio FBA District 5 Secretary |