66TH Year, No. 1 August 11, 2001
Present and signed in were:
Cheri Sleeper
King HS
Christina Frye
Greco MS
Rick Sylvester
Hill MS
Kim Meider
Hillsborough HS
Suzann Pirotta
Burnett MS
Jason Ponder
Armwwod HS
Paul Gansemer
Chamberlain HS
Kevin McDonald
Mann MS
Kelly Chisholm
McLane MS
Nancy Barlar
Adams MS
Harry Williamson
Pierce MS
Brian Rainwater
Florida College
Steve Pfaffman
Progress Village MSA
Doug Smith
Eisenhower MS
Neil Theriault
Benito MS
Chris Shultz
Roland Park MS
Cynthia Starling
Dowdell MS
Helen Michaelson
Davidsen MS
Kelly Montero
Williams MS
Steven Hahn
Tomlin MS
Mike Woodfin
Riverview HS
Jeff Blume
Evan Ziegler
Rodgers MS
Ken Norton
Alonso HS
Jennifer Hamilton
Robinson HS
Donnie Hero
Tampa Bay Tech HS
Sean Murray
Ferrell MS
Nicole Conte
Madison MS
Ted Hope
Bloomingdale HS
James Coyne
Randall MS
Dan Dubay
Durnat HS
Danny Camacho
Buchanan MS
Mark Watson
Sickles HS
Jim Lindroth
Brandon HS
John Sinibaldi
Wharton HS
John Acosta
School District
Sylvester Rogers
Van Buren MS
Kevin Lewis
Burns MS
Jeff Traster
University of Tampa
Rebecca Phillips
Blake HS
Robert Griffin
Blake HS
Tom Ziegelhofer
Wilson MS
Bob Keen
Plant HS
Len Gonzalez
Free-Lance Music
JP Carney
Seminole Presbyterian
Gary Ward
Sligh MS
Matt Green
Plant City HS
Tom Green
Turkey Creek MS
Catherine Rand
Gaither HS
Duane Hendon
FBA Exec. Sec.
ITEM NO. 1 – CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTORY REMARKS: The first meeting of the year was called to order by District Chairman, Christina Frye, at 10:11AM.
ITEM NO. 2 – ROLL CALL AND INTRODUCTION OF NEW DIRECTOR’S/GUESTS: Attendance was handled via a sign up sheet. Directors were asked to include their email addresses on the sign in sheet. All in attendance introduced themselves and shared what school they were teaching.
ITEM NO. 3 – READING OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: There were no objections or changes, so the previous minutes were approved as distributed.
ITEM NO. 4 – TREASURER’S REPORT: End of Past Year Statement $1069.97
Proposed current year budget $41730.00
- Mrs. Frye went through the contents of packets.
- Mrs. Frye urged ALL directors to be watchful of ALL deadlines, especially those that are coming up quickly:
All-State Entry Forms DUE August 31st
FSMA dues DUE September 15th
Classification Forms DUE October 15th (if these are not received by October 30th your program will not be able to participate)
- Mrs. Frye also advised the membership that there would be an update to the Festival Program after the December Board meeting and there will also be a workshop available to our members in the future.
- HS Directors can do their Marching Entry form and Jazz forms using the Festival Program
- FBA Directories should be received by November. Please check your information for correctness as soon as you received it.
- FBA "festivals" will no longer be called "festivals". Instead they will be called "Music Performance Assessments" This action came from lawyers and was approved @ the Summer FBA Board meeting.
- Look for information in the September issue concerning the Florida Music Foundation. This foundation is similar to the Hillsborough County Education Foundation.
The FSMA Academic Performance Contract (eligibility) is available on the FSMA web site. HS directors are requested to send information to FSMA if you use this form.
- Please make every effort to NOT exclude students from your programs. If has been noted that music numbers are decreasing. J. Acosta made comments to this issue with regards to "Fair Share" and also reminded HS directors that we are fortunate to have marching band considered co-curricular. Fees can not be assessed which can prohibit a student from being in your program.
- You must be a member of FBA in order to benefit from reclassification, music title change requests, etc. After September 1, anyone who is not a current FBA member will not received any emails or mailings.
- If you need a Festival program contact Curtis Wilson directly at CWFEstival@aol.com.
- The Music Effect sheet for Marching Festival is GONE. There will now be two Music Performance adjudicators.
- MS sight-reading classifications are now different. MA is gone!
MB/MC is now MA/MB
MC is now MC/MD
This means that the current MD sight-reading will be used by MC/MD and MB/MB will used MB/MA sight-reading.
- Classification System Proposal – It has been proposed to the board to allow the director’s selection of music determine the classification of each of his/her concert performing groups. This proposal in its’ entirety is in your State minutes. Duane Hendon commented that this is a proposal that makes a lot of sense and, that it would be a HUGE change. Other comments were as follows:
R. Sylvester – The current system serves as a guideline (so young directors don’t make mistakes)
T. Hope – The concern in the past when this type of proposal was posed was that there was a possibility that some director’s would "sandbag" and pick music below their band’s capability.
K. Norton – In favor of the change. Florida was different 40 years ago and schools with large populations are no longer the stronger music programs.
J. Acosta – In Hillsborough County’s past, the Junior High concert festivals were run separately from the FBA. There was a study done regarding music selection when the director’s were allowed to chose with a classification guideline. 70% of the bands played what they would have under the guideline, 10% played a higher level, and 1 band played easier (but that was attributed to the directors’ poor health that year.) His concern is that young directors will pick music that is too difficult for their program.
K. Lewis – For MS, it would mean that sight-reading would change.
C. Frye – This will be discussed more at the October meeting (which is NOT just a meeting for HS directors.)
D. Hendon – This proposal, if passed, would also eliminate the need for reclassification and the stigma it can bring. "Selection of Music is Everything."
- Adjudication seminars are available:
September 15-16 in Orlando
November 29-Dec 2 in Tallahassee
Cost is $25.00 and Bentley Shellahamer is conducting them
D. Hendon noted that there is no one in the state that is certified in concert as of this date.
- Festival/Evaluation Committee State Festival recommendation:
Hire two commentators for a clinic room after stage performance to improve the State Festival experience. The following comments were made during this discussion:
J. Acosta – We will pilot a program of this nature in Hillsborough County during HS Concert Festival. Every 3rd or 4th group will receive a short session with a clinician. This is not just to make corrections on the bands’ performance, but to make the festival a "total experience."
D. Dubay – it would be helpful
D. Hendon – Discussion he has heard in other districts it that this type of situation may be more helpful on the District level and that it would not take the place of sight-reading.
K. Norton – GREAT IDEA!
D. Dubay – Why can’t there be 3 commentators and keep sight-reading
D. Hendon – facilities are a major issue in the discussion of using 3 commentators and sight-reading.
At this point of the agenda D. Hendon made the following comments:
- District Chairmen give up a lot of time and make many sacrifices in doing their job. It is becoming harder and harder to get volunteers to serve as district chairmen.
- Christina Frye has done a wonderful job not only running this meeting but throughout her tenure.
- The Web-site is becoming more and more important. Bulletins will soon be only available on-line. Please go visit the web-site, there is a lot of information there.
- "Fair Share" – don’t shoot yourself in the foot with this one.
- When sending in fees for entries don’t rely on the bookkeeper to mail it in. Get the check from the bookkeeper and place it the mail yourself. Many have fallen victim to late fees because they have relied on the bookkeeper to send the check and entry form in.
- The FBA board is here to serve you, not for you to serve them.
- Membership Dues and Enrollment Forms are DUE September 15th (earlier if you want uninterrupted magazine delivery. Schools can justify payment for membership out of internal accounts because students cannot perform without your membership. (Do Not use instrument/uniform rental money)
Send to: MENC
1806 Robert Fulton Dr.
Reston, VA 20191
Checks should be made payable to MENC.
FSMA dues are DUE by September 15th.
- Classification forms are DUE to C. Frye on October 15th. HS report enrollment for grades 9-12, MS should report grades 7-8. Fine for being late is $50. On or after the 8th day = $100 (This is payable to FBA)
- All-State Auditions will be held at Roland Park MS. The fee for the all-state audition is as follows:
$10 for auditions (per student)
$5 for recording
This is a total of $15.00 that should be made out to FBA.
C. Frye – all directors should submit one check and not individual student checks.
J. Acosta – if using a school check don’t wait until the last minute to ask your bookkeeper for a check.
(A mock audition was then performed)
C. Sleeper – Is it possible to get a copy of the script to run mock auditions for our own students? D. Hendon suggested that Fred Schmidt would have to give his approval.
- If you have any students that are selected for the All-State band YOU MUST attend the audition process at Roland Park MS. Directors will be assigned based on their students’ audition times.
- Please screen your students auditioning for All-State carefully. This audition is for the exceptionally talented and prepared students. C. Sleeper – There is also a help session sponsored by USF. It will be held on August 25th. Deadline for applications is August 20, 5PM.
- Marching Festival – November 3rd @ Bloomingdale HS (Forms are due to C. Frye by October 1st)
Fine for late forms is $50…on or after the 8th day the late fee is $100 (payable to FBA District 7)
T. Hope – suggested this might be a good year to go to an A/B block schedule for Marching Festival. This would be where the first 10 bands would perform and awards would be held for them, then the last 10 would perform, etc.
MOTION – To use two blocks as suggested above for FBA District 7 Marching Festival Shultz/Norton.
N. Conte – some students like to stay when they perform earlier in the day, so they can see the other bands.
J. Acosta – the county continues to grow and this may be inevitable. However, it is a great plug for our programs to have the school board members in attendance see all our bands.
Question was called by K. Norton FAILED
MS directors are reminded that their help is imperative to assist in running Marching Festival.
MOTION – Raise the gate fee for FBA District 7 Marching Festival to $7 for adults and $5 for students. Norton/Hope PASSED
T. Hope – Video sales will be available as in the past.
P. Gansemer – Suggested that it would be helpful to have an FBA representative at the ticket booth at all times to answer in any questions that may arise. Kevin Lewis volunteered to be the representative.
MOTION – To have group photos available for those directors wishing to participate. Norton/Sinibaldi PASSED
MOTION – To have the chairman choose which photography company (Walters or Champion) would be the most beneficial for the District to use. Norton/Hero PASSED
Solo & Ensemble/Jazz Sickles HS Feb 14-16, 2002
High School Concert ??? March 8-9, 15-16
Middle School Concert Tomlin April 19-20 EAST
Alonso April 26-27 WEST
C. Frye – East and West assignments for Middle School will be distributed very soon.
Armwood, Durant and Leto will look into their schools availability for HS concert fest. Membership will vote at next meeting.
ITEM NO. 10 – ADJUDICATORS FOR FESTIVALS: It is becoming difficult to secure judges for marching festival because of the date. See attached for adjudicators secured as of this date.
ITEM NO. 11 – NOMINATIONS FOR ADJUDICATORS LIST: None (it was noted however, that those selected at the April 2001 meeting have not received their packets)
- C. Sleeper – All HS Directors are invited to participate in Lion’s Pride 2001. It will be held at King High School October 13th.
- C. Sleeper – Congratulations to Ted Hope in receiving his Master Degree.
- T. Hope – check out the current edition of Band/Orch Magazine, it has some good stuff.
- K. Meider – trying to work out the inventory at Hillsborough. If you have her stuff or she has yours please contact her.
- C. Rand – Invites all to participate in the Gaither Band Golf Tournament, September 8th. Please call her for more info.
- H. Williamson – Don Banks has not returned wheel clarinets he took there to fix. If you happened to get them by mistake please contact him.
- J. Traster – went over the hand out s he distributed concerning the upcoming concerts at UT and also the band camp (June 2002) that they will host. For more info Call Jeff Traster at University of Tampa.
- J. Coin – if anyone has tuba chairs please call him.
- M. Watson – what happened to the band for PE credit push? J. Acosta suggested we dropped the ball and must get our parents involved.
- B. Phillips – Anyone interested in a trombone instructor contact her.
- C. Sleeper – if anyone has valve trombones, marching baritones or marching trombones they can spare please let her know.
- J. Acosta – There are a lot of new people and also very qualified people in our district…ask questions and seek help.
- J. Acosta – summer camps went well this past summer. Next summer we would like to offer even more. He would like to have the brochure ready by January.
- J. Acosta – be sure to let people know when you have performances coming up.
- J. Acosta – MS supplements are in question. Middle School Directors-please keep track of time spent with job (i.e. this meeting, all-state, etc.)
- J. Acosta – 2 color monitors available, do equipment transfer paperwork and they’re yours.
- J. Acosta – Veteran’s Parade, please (HS directors) consider participating. Those that participated last year you will get paid and they have agreed to pay up front the coming parade.
- J. Acosta – Would like to start a countywide Wind Ensemble that would serve as a vehicle to review literature. Our directors would direct.
ITEM NO. 15 – NEXT MEETING: October 20, 2001 10:00AM @ Bloomingdale HS. All are urged to attend
This is not a High School director meeting
ITEM NO. 16 – ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 12:29PM. Conte/Shutlz PASSED
Respectfully submitted,
Cheri Sleeper, FBA District VII Secretary