Florida Bandmasters Association
Pinellas County, Florida

66th Year, No. 3                     January 16, 2002

Present and signed in were:

Bob Barfield, Tarpon Springs High Tom Glaister, Shorecrest Prep Brad Barnes, East Lake High Chad Guess, Seminole Middle Brandon Barnes, Dixie Hollins High Samuel L. Hayward, Countryside High Chris Benoit, Largo High Jack Henderson, Pinellas Park High Robin Benoit, Largo Middle Chris Howard, Indian Rocks Christian Tim Brightbill, Pinellas Park Middle Tamara Lewis, Meadowlawn Middle Stephen Cantin, Palm Harbor University Tom Lizotte, Dunedin High Colleen Chrien, Saftey Harbor Middle Camilla Loomis, Coachman Fund. Linda Clark, Tyrone Middle Jane Lucas, Seminole High Ann Deisler, Largo Middle Jahn Van de Pute Raymond Diaz, Clearwater High Alexander Panagiotacos, Northside Madeline Dunsizer, John Hopkins Middle Christian Don Edwards, Carwise Middle Michelle Salmon, Kennedy Middle Hannah Ehrmann, Southside Fundamental Tom Stovall, Tarpon Springs Middle Nathan Farrell, Northside Christian Daniel S. Wood IV, Seminole High

ITEM NO. 1 - CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTORY REMARKS: The meeting was called to order by District Chairman, Diane Suris, at 7:24 pm.

ITEM NO. 2 - ROLL CALL: All directors were asked to sign in at the front of the room.

ITEM NO. 3 - READING OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: Motion Dunsizer/Benoit: To dispense with the reading of the minutes. Passed.

ITEM NO. 4 - TREASURER’S REPORT: $2, 731 in the account.


ITEM NO. 6 - UNFINISHED BUSINESS: The classification proposal was defeated. 5 board members voted in favor of the proposal, 12 voted not in favor, and 2 obstained. Neil Jenkins asked the classification committee to report back to the board in May.


ITEM NO. 8 - NEW BUSINESS: All S&E Festival entries (computer disk and hard copies) were collected S&E will be held at Osceola High School. FVA has decided to have their S&E at Gibbs High School. High School Music Performance Assessment is March 15-16 at Pinellas Park High School. There will be an extra clinician, David Waybright from University of Florida, to work with each band after their performance. Middle School Music Performance Assessment is April 18-20 tentatively at Largo High School. If you want a recording of your band it will cost $30, checks made out to FBA

ITEM NO. 9 - STATE FESTIVAL DATES AND SITES: North - May 3-7 at Florida A&M Central - April 29-May 2 at Florida Southern South - April 24-27 at Cypress Lakes School of the Arts State S&E/Jazz/Auxiliary - April 1-3 at Bartram Trail High School in Jacksonville Senior High Directors: If you do not receive your State Festival Entry Bulletin by early March, call Executive Director Duane Hendon.

ITEM NO. 10 - ELECTION OF OFFICERS: No election of officers.

ITEM NO. 11 - SELECTION OF DISTRICT FESTIVAL DATES FOR THE NEXT SCHOOL YEAR: Motion Dunsizer/Benoit: All-State auditions September 14, 2002. Passed. Motion Wood/Ehrmann: Marching Festival October 26, 2002. Passed. Motion Wood/Dunsizer: S&E Festival February 14 & 15, 2003. Passed. Motion Benoit/Hayward: High School Music Performance Assessment March 14 & 15, 2003. Passed. Motion Benoit/Guess: Middle School Music Performance Assessment March 20-22, 2003.


ITEM NO. 13 - NOMINATE CLINICIANS FOR ALL-STATE BANDS: Michael Haithcock Rick Clairy from the University of Kentucky


ITEM NO. 15 - GOOD OF THE ASSOCIATION: Robin Benoit addressed all middle school directors concerning All-County. She passed out a packet to each director that contained information about the All-County process, audition requirements for the concert band and the jazz band, and an application each student must fill out. Tony has an improv tape for the jazz portion of the audition. If you have a student auditioning for the jazz band you must get a copy of this tape from Tony. The audition and rehearsals will be at Largo Middle. Students will only be able to participate in one ensemble, not both. Wayne Gallops will be conducting the concert band. He is on a leave of absence from Blake High School in Tampa, he is currently at USF. If you have any questions call Robin Benoit at 588-4097 or Tony Fuoco at 446-0109. Chip Wood spoke about the High School All-County Band. Audtions will be at Seminole High. The performance will be April 8 at the Mahaffey Theater, this date is locked in. Rehearsal dates are not set yet, but there will be rehearsals the weekend of April 8. The clinician is Mike Robinson. 

Chip Wood - Thank you from Jeanne Reynolds to the directors who helped with the percussion equipment for the All-State bands. 

Robin Benoit - All-County will count for trade days or component points. 

Chip Wood - Congratulations to Largo Middle and Seminole Middle for receiving an enrollment award at the FMEA convention, and congratulations to Seminole Middle for being named a music demonstration school. 

Robin Benoit - Jeanne is still going to cover our assessment fees and transportation costs, but asks that you use the least expensive transportation you can find. Use school busses if at all possible. 

Robin Benoit - Brainstorm for ideas to get our gate receipts up so we can lower our assessment fees.

Chris Benoit - Explained the equation used to figure our the assessment fees and explained why ours is so high.

ITEM NO. 16 - NEXT DISTRICT MEETING - DATE & PLACE: April 24, 2002 at the Steak and Ale off of US 19 in Clearwater.

ITEM NO. 17 - ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:53 pm. Motion: Hayward/Salmon. Passed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Ehrmann, FBA District IX Secretary


Students and Parents, please direct all official FBA questions to your Band Director

Contents (C) 2005 Florida Bandmasters Association
Duane Hendon, Executive Director:  DuaneLHendon@cs.com 
Josh Bula, Webmaster. bulaj@mail.leon.k12.fl.us