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Music Performance Assessment Report

FOA District 18  Solo & Ensemble

Assessment Dates:
11/09/2024  - 11/09/2024
Assessment Site:
FGCU Bower School of Music

FSMA School IDSchoolNameCountyPaid StudentsActual Participants
110641Aubrey Rogers High SchoolCollier1615
110311Barron Collier High School Collier1010
360531Cypress Lake Center for the Arts High SchoolLee1817
360772Diplomat Middle SchoolLee1412
110003Golden Gate High SchoolCollier1815
110321Golden Gate Middle School Collier1414
110392Gulf Coast High School Collier3735
110061Gulfview Middle School Collier55
110261Lely High School Collier43
110151Naples High School Collier5756
360311North Fort Myers High SchoolLee1313
110452North Naples Middle SchoolCollier1414
360382Oak Hammock Middle SchoolLee1312
110401Oakridge Middle School Collier3232
110004Palmetto Ridge High SchoolCollier2120
110251Pine Ridge Middle School Collier64
Total Schools: 16
Total Students Participated: 277
Total Students Paid: 292